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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Thanks for the write-up and I too bought it before it was delisted (ie: paid < $7.00 for the deluxe edition)… and tbh, I felt I still paid too much.

    As you mentioned that campaigns are simple, but I was surprised (and amazingly board ) by how simple the campaigns were. (disclaimer : I did only play for about 2 hours before I got board and never came back). I was hoping for some sort of brawler type game, but the enemies are few but often respawn. I was hoping for something like Shadows of War, but was greatly disappointed. The campaigns were disconnected from each other and the objectives are simply: defeat this enemy, then destroy these targets… there is no real flexible or room for thought, outside of the prepared script you need to follow until the campaign ends.

    … and the controls, I found, are quite janky. I was iron man and I found that the movement never really “flowed” into each other, there was always a delay between animation… I really didn’t find it fun. It wasn’t a brawler, it really was a Pay-to-Win platform… even with all the pay gates removed.

    People often mention that Guardians of the Galaxy is better… and it is on my wish list, but I’m really suspicious (I hope they improved the controls).

  • Oh my favorite is Crystal. It’s a statically compiled dialect of ruby.

    It supports:

    • Most of the ruby goodness: custom DSLs, patching classes/mixins (monkey patching instances is not supported)
    • Compile time type checking (but it also uses duck typing)
    • Coroutines / fibers that work across multiple threads (multi-thread support is still experimental, but from my experience works well)
    • Possible to create small self-contained binaries (like go-Lang apps).

    As much as I love the expressiveness of crystal, there are a few cons:

    • It’s slow to compile. Due to the dynamic nature of the language, the compiler needs to parse a lot of files (think C/C++) before it creates a binary.
    • The number of libraries is very immature at the moment. Crystal is a young language and is missing support for things like aws.
    • The library management mechism (called “shards” akin to ruby gems) is not great (in my opinion). There are helpful tools to create the scaffolding, but if you’re pretty much stuck with the defined structure. For example you cannot have a single git repo that provides a library and an application that uses it.

    Other than that, the type checking but with ruby-like syntax is awesome!

    edit: fixed formatting

  • In the US, they’re the same.

    Are you sure?

    I’ve always thought of universities as educational institutions funded (in part) by the state. So, tuition for “The University of Colorado” is partially subsided by the taxes people pay to the state of Colorado.

    Colleges are not funded by the state, therefore have a higher tuition than universities.

    At least that’s the theory. However, both universities and colleges have become so profit focused, I don’t know how much cheaper universities are now-a-days.

    I’d also argue that a university in the U.S. is more prestigious than many colleges (the exception being Ivy league schools), because universities being cheaper means a high demand for being accepted, which means applicant need “be better” to gain admittance.

    In the job market, however, you are absolutely right: college VS university - it doesn’t matter.

  • Basically, my company is tightly wed to using outlook and exchange.

    We would have liked to have kept all this “on-prem”. Meaning, we have physical machines running in our company network that has paid licenses for exchange.

    The “force” that Microsoft has applied, is that we will not be allowed to purchase licenses for exchange (disclaimer: I don’t know if the licenses are not available/discontinued or if it’s not cost effective - I wasn’t involved in those conversations). Long story short: If we want Outlook/Exchange we must use MS Cloud solution. Depending on your organization’s size - this cost us an ungodly amount of money but (and here is where the anti-trust is) you get Office 356, Teams, and the rest of the MS eccosystem “for free” (or at a deep, deep discount).

    This means the cost of Cloud Exchange (which includes Teams, O365, etc) . Was about the same (maybe a little less) than what we paid for “on-prem” exchange, plus Google docs, plus slack, plus Zoom. However, since “on-prem” exchange isn’t available - our only other option would be to ditch exchange for Google (which costs a lot more) or some open-source solution (which probably won’t integrate seamlessly into outlook).

  • Wow, 12 - you’re living the dream ;)

    Could you share your setup? I’m on Linux, but I’ve tried both Edge and Brave. Both only show 4 people.

    When a 5th person joins, I need to switch to the “group view” (?), which has a auditorium background and crude attempts by Teams to “crop” people from their background.

    It’s such a perfect summary of my Teams experience : you want something simple (ie: see 5+ people) and MS delivers the most useless feature… I cannot even call it half passed, cause I’m certain the “group view” took far more engineering effort than it would have taken to just show 5 or more people on the screen.