EU citizen. Interests: RPGs, board games, litrpg, alternative rock/metal, cycling, quality memes

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Until the next generation finds a new trending game Fortnite will be the go to gaming advertisement surface with endless crossovers, pop culture references, merch bait products and memes so the kids can be glued to the screens and make the parents spend money.

    It’s a brilliant move to involve Lego as it’s widely popular, but I can’t see people using Fortnite as a sort of storefront/creation kit as it will probably have its limitation compared to a regular game purchased and played on its own.

  • It was the most wishlisted game on Steam, people are actively ignoring all the red flags and blindly throwing their money at anyone who can produce a half decent video online.

    I’m not protecting the devs, the whole story is a huge scam and they straight up lied but again:

    Stop pre-ordering, paying on kickstarter or buying stuff in early access unless you are absolutely sure you know who gets your money and what you are getting in exchange.

    Yes the devs are scum, but does it really justify the cyber witch hunt? A lot of people just hopped on the hype bandwagon and jumped over the hate bandwagon without even knowing the details.

    Just fucking refund or sue the bastards. I will only repeat myself: consumers are part of the problem. Stop buying incomplete buggy shit based on promises and pre-order bonuses.

    Watch reviews, performance tests before buying. Everything is fucking digital, they will not run out of keys if you wait an extra day.