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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • I was gonna suggest there might be a “too dumb to program for the profit of others”, but … yeah, even if your pay and code is a financial detriment, we can pretty much promise it’ll be an insignificant portion of the money that company is costing itself. You gotta eat, and practice is practice.

    That said, advice remains the same: program on company time towards a path you don’t care about beyond covering your ass and trying to deliver what’s been demanded(I’m not saying don’t do your best, just keep it to what you can do on the clock), and see that as practice for passion projects on the side. Save a little bit of that no-fucks-given/objectivity for objectively testing and fixing your code - fix it like someone else made the mistake, and you can do it better, but at the same time something must ship(don’t let perfect be the enemy of good).

  • I pirate things I have right in front of me!! Scratched DVD’s that won’t rip, same for CD’s, and sometimes old digital formats that are no longer well supported, or in the case of eBooks, don’t re-flow properly. Yes, some of us are still doing weird shit we got used to on Blackberries and Palm Pilots(These days I use Sprint Reader, but I’ll also read the material normally when studying for a test).

    Some shows or movies I pay to stream don’t work well on whatever device I’ve opted to play them on. Knowing why doesn’t magically give me the means to transcode as needed without screen capture; Piracy skips the steps of watching them on a device I didn’t mean to just to edit/trim and then have them in a format I no longer need!

  • That’s an answer I don’t have. I would just focus on grabbing what has the fewest copies for the snap-shot in time when I am downloading the files. Other archivers will grab what needs more copies at the time they download, just as you and I are basing our downloads of what has the fewest existing copies weighed against what others have seeded before us.

    Its a churn of archivers “rotating” the content we each choose to preserve(almost entirely without regard for WHAT the specific content is).

    If enough people were too active about deleting what they’ve downloaded that has “enough” copies and replacing it with content that doesn’t … okay, that’s unlikely, but we still need more seeders in general, and those of us who keep on seeding that which we’ve already downloaded make the decision of what needs more copies seeded in the future easier to make for new archivists and/or those who have invested in more capacity.

  • Technically, I’ve done as you describee several times over. Did it with IOS and Android - I approached both with an open wallet and open to doing things differently than I was used to. Could say the same for several gaming consoles and Chrome. ALL have required concessions on my part that left a bad taste in my mouth - speaking strictly from a User Experience perspective.

    The worst of it has been all the apps that dissappeared from the IOS Appstore - apps I paid for and now all that’s available are pale imitations full of ads and demanding subscriptions.

    I’m not asking the same apps to work across multiple decades either - the gap between my first iPad and my second was less than eight years.

  • Shunning, in those sects that still practice it, generally isn’t a permanent affair, nor was is originally specified to be. The shunning isn’t the problem for you and I, its that lgbtq lifestyles are usually(depends on the community - even among the amish) a “living in sin”/shunnable affair no one should have to repent or hide.

    EDIT: Jesus Christ, Amish shunning for rape and icest is only six weeks, AND they forbid reporting of such crimes to law enforcement? WTF?


    Matthew 22:21
    Romans 13:1
    1 Peter 2:13-17

    Noting that aiding and abetting a crime, including lying to hide another’s crime, and the intimidation of witnesses and victims, are all well-established secular law, there is no grounds for how too many religious communities handle such things. Priests and Pastors should be mandatory reporters, not privileged to keep confidentiality where serious crimes are concerned, nevermind that these people are openly confessing to their entire congregations/communities.