Maoo [none/use name]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023

  • Three things to focus on:

    1. They might not know how to Google for research purposes. You can teach them how to do this and check stack overflow given a question. You’ll want to do this as an intentional lesson not as replies to messages.
    2. Knowing what to search for requires a baseline of knowledge they may not have and don’t have the time to pick up through self-teaching during the period of your course. You probably self-taught many things, but was it all while also working 30 hours per week and taking courses?
    3. What are the things they’d need to search for? Why aren’t they part of your course materials? Algorithms, databases, installing/configuring software, etc should really be provided by the teacher. Many CS courses are terribly taught because they assume every student is already very good with unix-ie administration, installing libraries, setting up an IDE, and so on. Despite this, those same programs offer no resources for learning those things and don’t even advertise that they’re required to succeed. These are probably things you should front-load for the first two weeks or so.

  • Stripping felons of the right to vote was/is a part of Jim Crow, wherein blackness was systematically criminalized, usually through forced poverty and then a criminalization of poverty (e.g. petty theft for survival). Similar to a poll tax, the goal was to prevent black people from having a political voice, including but not limited to electoral. This is why these laws are mostly in former slave states. They were a reaction to liberation. These anti-black policies also applied to anyone else that would be systematically marginalized, serving as a reusable tool for the ruling class. Make poverty itself a deep pit of disenfranchisement and all you need to do is make your targeted group poor enough. Keeping the poor and precarious from organizing politically is also a goal unto itself for the ruling class, though we shouldn’t get overly invested in the idea that voting would ever be enough to actually properly contradict the ruling class itself.

    The criminal “justice” system is not about reform, certainly not in the US. Every aspect of it makes it harder to reintegrate into society afterwards, usually with your record following you well into your life after leaving the prison. Getting a job, finding housing, applying for benefits, all of these will be seriously hampered by being convicted of a crime and serving time. Instead, the criminal system is designed, again, to marginalize. Take the people that are a threat to the perceived interests of business owners and isolate and harm them, also attempting to create the appearance of a deterrent so that others don’t want to threaten private property interests. This impetus poisons the entire system even when it deals with crimes that are not directly crimes of poverty or capitalist alienation (though the societies and pain constructed by the ruling class are certainly their fault).

    Please note, however, that the fact that so many people are disenfranchised already shows us that the ruling class isn’t going to let folks vote them out or otherwise engage in the political policies necessary to address injustice. They won’t let us solve the climate crisis or systemic unemployment or treating housing as an investment. The overt disenfranchisement is a blatant example of how they tip the scales in their favor, but it is far from the only one; most forms of disenfranchisement are so deeply ingrained that few people notice them as such. Poor or biased schooling so that the public will accept propaganda narratives. The maintenance of an economic underclass stripped of rights (such as undocumented immigrants). A requirement to work so many hours that you cannot rapidly gain political consciousness. A media apparatus wholly owned by the oppressor class and obediently taking orders from it on what to focus on, which reporters to hire and fire. The elimination of public squares and meeting places by which to organize. The cooption of academia through a variety of means, ensuring that their work suits the goals of the ruling class or is at least stripped of its capacity to organize against them. The limiting of the concept of political action to voting and going to cop-sanctioned protests. Etc etc.

    The way out of this is to organize directly with one another, to use our organizations to (further) identify the material root causes of injustice, and to work with more than just the tools offered to us by those who already have power.

  • Well Ukraine itself is definitely losing. They will probably lose territory to Poland as well if this keeps up and they have sold their country out to capitalists, mostly Americans. Loans, land, industries, etc all to pay for “their” war effort. The common Ukrainian is who suffers the most under this. They will be more exploited (paid less for the value of their labor), see more social programs dismantled, and go into a serious recession/depression that may not lift for decades.

    Russia is doing okay. The US is pulling Europe more into its orbit (making them pay more for less from the US while losing a lot of their industry), which is a loss for Russia, but that was the remand endgame of the US anyways. What was surprising, at least to some, was the extent to which Russia could survive and even thrive when subjected to the most significant financial weapons the West has. Overall their economy is certainly in a better place now and a chunk of Ukraine will be theirs and the other chunk will be weak. This is a victory for the ruling class of Russia and its overall geopolitical self-interest.

    The US ruling class is making out like bandits as usual, funding its weapons industry, basically a cash injection for the owner class and the only thing the US ever reliably does (threaten its chosen enemies with destruction).

  • The only people who think From The River To The Sea is genocidal either learned everything they think they know about Palestine in the last 2 months (and learned it by uncritically parroting media narratives) or is engaging in cynical PR for the genocide itself. It has no basis in reality, so the only way to learn this anti-fact is the aforementioned ways. It requires an aversion to reading anything about the recent history of Palestine, in fact. Say, the last 75-100 years.

    Liberal white supremacy means the white supremacy that is acceptable to and promoted by liberals. They might reject the KKK aesthetic but are more than happy to dehumanize the Palestinian population and revert to post-9/11 islamophobia the moment their masters say it’s okay. The kind that tut-tuts the victims of racialized settler-colonial apartheid while providing full cover for the colonizers.

    People often think, “how could anyone have stood by during American slavery, or the genocide of indigenous Americans, or the Nazis?”. The answer is right in front of you: all of these liberals braying for Palestinian blood, bombing hospitals, and trying to punish just about the only voice in Congress pushing back on it.

  • Different distros are better for different things. For example, some require give you more control over the OS but are more difficult to learn, or require learning more things at once. Others will be easier to try out but may make choices on your behalf that you don’t like - or distribute software in ways you don’t like.

    Linux from Scratch will have a fairly steep learning curve. Nothing wrong with that, but you’d want to prepare yourself to be cool with things breaking or not making sense for a while.

    Puppy Linux is minimalist, which is something people usually only want after they’ve tried out something else that’s not minimalist. I would recommend trying out something more general-purpose and try out different desktop environments and applications first.

  • It’s also a worker’s co-op of 1, lol.

    Socialism has many definitions. Some formulations could end up with sole proprietorships. Anything that’s basically artisinal and can be done by one person has the potential to be like this. Different socialist societies can decide this kind of thing on their own.

    Under communism, class separations would be minimized, even cease to exist, as the working class abolishes the other classes (and then itself). It’s an interesting question of whether this means a situation in which you’d become a little bougie (sole proprietorship) would be impossible, by law and social convention, or whether the conditions would make it impossible for this to be bougie and you can do whatever you want in terms of making and selling stuff because it will never actually be able to acquire a bourgeois character due to systemic effects (like post-scarcity).