On the internet, nobody knows you are Australian.

also https://lemm.ee/u/MargotRobbie

To tell you the truth, I don’t know who I am either. Somebody sincere, perhaps.

But if you ever read this one day, I hope that you are as proud of me, as I am of the person I imagined you to be.

  • 58 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Replacing the buttons with a tablet has always been a cost saving measure on Tesla’s part that was marketed as “futuristic”, physical switches and dials made of plastic and metal as well as the underlying components will never be as cheap or as easy to wire as a simple touchscreen control. Other car companies followed suit, because Tesla made a method of reducing their own manufacturing costs hip, so many of them jumped on it.

    But, Tesla tablets were designed with the belief that this cost saving is possible because of the delusion that full autonomous self driving is possible with existing hardware through software updates. When self driving didn’t happen after a decade of trying, people realized how inconvenient and dangerous it is that the only way to adjust the AC, stereo volume, and sideview mirrors while driving is through a tablet with no tactile feedback. So now, we are finally seeing that trend reversing.

  • As funny as the thought of Stallman becoming a billionaire is, ultimately, like all celebrities, these people are strangers to the overwhelming majority of you. Parasocial relationships are never healthy, and the result of being put on a pedastal is that they became idols and symbols and ceases being people.

    And I don’t think that’s what they would have wanted.

    After all, the only good billionaire is a Barbi-onaire.

  • Let me address some of your points:

    a forum like discourse, which is most definitely not a classic forum.

    Linear post structure, sorting based on latest response, so it is a traditional in vein of old BBS/phpBB systems.

    Do you really think you could replace the utility of stackoverflow with… Reddit?

    Upvote based sorting and nested comment structure means StackExchange/Overflow is closer to reddit than it is Discourse.

    It really is not much of a step to take your logic and replace lemmy or Reddit with Discord as a Q&A support and knowledge base platform.

    Reddit, Lemmy, and Discourse are all public forums, Discord is a chatroom.

    Even simple features that encourage engagement in months or years old threads are massive boon.

    Thread necromancy for month/year old dead threads has always been considered offenses to almost every single forum, which is why most forums lock posts after a month or so. It’s not a feature, it’s a fundamental flaw with the sorting.

    with copious features built specifically to enable and support that purpose. Which both lemmy and Reddit lack

    I’m genuinely curious, what are some of those features? I can’t think of any significant one, outside of tags.

    Forums are ultimately shaped by people, so I would say these forum succeeded in spite of the software instead of because of the software.

  • What do you get when you take a traditional forum, add vote based sorting so that the best post and comments (in theory) rise to the top to avoiding the issue of thread bumping, use a nested comment structure so that individual conversations in each thread can be easily followed, and allow anyone to make a subforum as they please?

    You get reddit. (or now, Lemmy) The only thing missing in Lemmy is topic tags, which I think is a nice to have, but by no means necessary.

    There is a reason why very few people uses forums and most of conversation nowadays takes place on social media, while reddit and Discord has but all but replaced them. So, replacing Discourse/Zenforo as the software to use for independent Internet forums should be the aim for Lemmy to significantly grow.

    Strangely, Discourse’s federation model seemed to be based on Mastodon compatibility instead of Lemmy-like Groups, which I think is a mistake.

  • Doesn’t it feel weird that people feel guilty when being mean to you only because you are famous?

    No, because there are plenty more people in life who won’t feel guilty about being mean to you at all. It’s more stressful in the days knowing a Twitter mob is ready to “slam” you for every little thing you say or do in life 24/7.

    Besides, it’s not like anything I say here can be tied back to me anyways. Why do you think I refuse to get verified?

    You probably also have more anominous accounts

    Ugh… That Letterboxd account…

  • Margot Robbie@lemmy.worldtoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldCurrent state of Reddit
    7 months ago

    On another topic, what kind of complete nonsense is that comment section?

    It reads like if my phone’s autocomplete decided to go haywire one day and start spitting out random associated phrases: “Pablo Escobar… Colombian Drug Lord… District of Columbia…hungry hungry hippo…”

    I don’t even know which is worse, that these are all bots, or there are actually multiple people who thinks posting these in public is a good idea.