Just some Internet guy

He/him/them 🏳️‍🌈

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Yeah, I almost talked about anycast IPs but it just added unnecessary complexity.

    OP’s question is a bit weird but it sounds like they want to connect to a VPN server and then that server uses the client’s IP instead of its own for outbound traffic, like some sort of forwarding?

    For all I know OP may be asking for a bridged VPN and it really just means to forward the remote client as if it’s on the local network.

    But the way it’s worded, the same IP would be used to both talk to the server and by the server itself going outbound. It’s possible on a local network with iptables hacks but why would you even want to do this?

  • That’s not possible. There’s only one route to an IP. Those may lead to different machines depending on where the request originates, and you more or less can’t choose which one, your ISP and their upstream ISPs decide and it’s usually the shortest or cheapest route. The Internet is stateless, it just moves packets around. Each step makes an independent decision as to where to send it next.

    So your VPN server can try spoofing its outbound traffic to use the client’s IP, but it’ll most likely get discarded by the ISP because it only allows your IP to go out. But even if you can, the answer to those packets will go to the client’s IP, which will go directly to the client and not the VPN. The other end doesn’t know where it originated from, it just has a number, and it sends it back into the Internet and the Internet figures it out.

    And if you can properly port the IP to your server, then the client can no longer use that IP because anything directed at it will end up at the server.

    It’s theoretically possible to pull off with some clever iptables rules but both ends need to be configured for it so it’ll never leave your private network. In which case, it’s just not worth the hassle to avoid making a new subnet.

  • RAM is the kind of thing you’re better off having too much than not enough. Worst case the OS ends up with a very healthy and large file cache, which frees up your storage and makes things a bit faster/lets it spend the CPU on other things. If anything, your machine is future proofed against the ever increasing RAM hungriness of web apps. But if you run out of it, you get apps killed, hangs or major slowdowns as it hits the swap.

    The thing with RAM is that it’s easy for 99% of your workload to fit comfortably, and then there’s one thing you temporarily need a bit more and you’re screwed. My machine usually uses 8-12/32GB of RAM but yet I still ended up needing to add swap to my machine. Just opening up the Lemmy source code and spinning up the Rust LSP can use a solid 8+GB alone. I’ve compiled some AUR packages that needed more than 16GB of RAM. I have 16 cores so compiling anything with -j32 can very quickly bring down a machine to its knees even if each compile thread is only using like 256-512MB each.

    Another example: my netbook has 8GB. 99% of the time it’s fine, because it’s a web browsing machine, and I probably average on 4GB usage on a heavy day with lots of tabs open. But if I open up VSCode and use any LSP be it TypeScript or Rust, the machine immediately starts swapping aggressively. I had to log out of my graphical session to compile Lemmy, barely.

    RAM is cheap enough these days it’s nice to have more than you need to not ever have to worry about it.

  • Dell’s website seems to suggest it can be done from the boot menu independently of an operating system:

    Updating the BIOS from BIOS Boot Menu (independent of operating system)

    1. Copy the downloaded file to a USB drive. You do not need a bootable USB drive.
    2. Insert the USB drive into any USB port.
    3. Power on the system.
    4. At the DELL logo screen, press F12 to access the one-time boot menu.
    5. Select BIOS Flash Update in the Other Options section.
    6. Click the … button to browse the USB drive to locate the downloaded file.
    7. Select the file and click OK.
    8. Verify the existing system BIOS information and the BIOS update information.
    9. Click Begin Flash Update.
    10. Review the Warning message and click Yes to proceed with the update. The system restarts and displays a Flash Progress bar at the Dell logo screen. The system restarts again when the Flash update is complete.

  • Yeah, it’s not really advertised as an init system anymore. It’s an entire system management suite, and when seen from that angle, it’s pretty good at it too. All of it is consistent, it’s fairly powerful, and it’s usually 10-20 lines of unit files to describe what you want. I wanted that for a long time.

    I feel like the hate always comes from the people that treat the UNIX philosophy like religion. And even then, systemd is very modular, just also well integrated together: networkd manages my network, resolved manages my DNS, journald manages my logs, timesyncd manages my NTP, logind manages my logins and sessions, homed mounts my users profiles on demand.

    Added complexity, yes, but I’ve been using the hell out of it. Start services when a specific peripheral is plugged in? Got it. Automatically assign devices to seats? Logind’s got you covered, don’t even need to mess with xorg configs. VM network? networkd handles it. DNS caching? Out of the box. Split DNS? One command. Don’t want 2000 VMs rotating their logs at exactly midnight and trashing your ceph cluster? Yep just slap a RandomizedDelaySec=24h to the units. Isolate and pin a VM to dedicated cores dynamically? Yep it’ll do that. Services that needs to run on a specific NUMA node to stay close to PCIe peripherals? Yep easy. All very easily configurable with things like Ansible or bash provisioning scripts.

    Sure it may not be for everybody, but it solves real problems real Linux admins have to deal with at scale. If you don’t like it, sysvinit still works just fine and I heard good things about runit too. It’s an old and tired argument, it’s been over 10 years, we can stop whining about it and move on. There’s plenty of non-systemd distros to use.

  • Ideally it would support WebPush which would allow your app to register with any push notification service that supports WebPush.

    WebSockets would drain battery and also add a lot of load on the servers to handle all those connections. Implementing specific notification services directly on Lemmy isn’t quite where it belongs. Plus you don’t want all Lemmy admins to have to register to Apple Push and Google’s FCM and potentially others. With WebPush you can have your own server as a relay and then dispatch to expo/APN/FCM as needed.

  • Given the answers given, I would suggest getting a cheap VPS that’s gonna cost you like $5/mo but you know its IP will never change, and you can get the reputation to improve and become good whereas residential IPs are pretty much all blacklisted everywhere as 99% of emails coming from residential IPs is sent out by malware.

    Any cheap VPS can handle email just fine on its own but you can also treat it as just an entry and exit of a VPN. So you can technically have your mail locally at home it’s just gonna go through that VPS first before reaching your server, same for outgoing.

  • This is the only reason I have a smart TV. I didn’t want one, in fact it prompted me to make an SSID and VLAN just for it, then applied a bunch of DNS blocks. Unfortunately my old 2012 TV wasn’t worth shipping across the country and the image was getting pretty dim and it had started developing dead pixels.

    If you want anything above 1080p that’s a dumb TV you have to go commercial like the hospitality market and they charge you way more for it. And they won’t even sell it to you without a corporate account in most places.

    The only way to get 4K and HDR without the smarts as a consumer is to buy a giant gaming monitor… and those too ask for quite a premium, because gamers.

  • I’d probably start by booting with nomodeset and in verbose mode and hope you can at least get some debug output. If you have Plymouth, obviously disable that. Anything that can give you some logs and possibly a crash dump to figure out what it’s doing when it dies.

    It might also be worth running a quick memtest86+ just to rule this out, you may have dead RAM and memory aligns in a fatal way there with newer kernels and there’s nothing wrong with the kernel itself. There’s an open Arch bug report for 6.6.2 that suggests memory corruption as well, so it’s definitely worth a shot.

    If you have another device, you could also have it send the logs there over the network, I think it can just send them out over UDP so it’s likely there’s an Android or iOS app that could receive the logs.

    If this is Arch, bisecting might not be as hard as you think. Compiling kernels is not as horrible as it sounds, even on other distros. For the most part it’s more or less the same configure+make steps especially if you reuse the config of the currently running kernel, which it can use pretty much automatically.

  • I think it will still mostly generate the expected output, its just gonna be biased towards being lazy and making something up when asked a more difficult question. So when you try to use it further than “haha, mean racist AI”, it will also bullshit you making it useless for anything more serious.

    All the stuff that ChatGPT gets praised for is the result of the model absorbing factual relationships between things. If it’s trained on conspiracy theories, instead of spitting ground breaking medical relationships it’ll start saying you’re ill because you sinned or that the 5G chips in the vaccines got activated. Or the training won’t work and it’ll still end up “woke” if it still manages to make factual connections despite weaker links. It might generate destructive code because it learned victim blaming and jokes on you you ran rm -rf /* because it told you so.

    At best I expect it to end up reflecting their own rethoric on them, like it might go even more “woke” because it learned to return spiteful results and always go for bad faith arguments no matter what. In all cases, I expect it to backfire hilariously.

  • They can deny it however much. The right and anti-wokism is not the majority. Which therefore means unless special care is taken to train it on more right wing stuff, it will lean left out of the box.

    But right wing rhetoric is also not logically consistent so training an AI on right extremism probably also won’t yield amazing results because it’ll pick up on the inconsistencies and be more likely to contradict itself.

    Conservatives are going to self-own themselves pretty hard with AI. Even the machines see it, “woke” is fairly consistent and follows basic rules of human decency and respect.