I did nothing and I’m all out of ideas!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • I have a Boox Nova Air which is still going strong after around 2 years, and honestly it’s pretty good for writing. But I heard a lot of people having problems with updates bricking the device or receiving a bad unit and having an hard time returning it, if bought directly from them. I did not have to talk with support and I avoided the updates, so I can’t say more about that. My experience is overall good with it.

    I also have a Kobo Libra H2O that I think is nearing the 4 years mark, and is still going really strong. The biggest problem I had was that it asks for a kobo account during setup, thing that I really dislike. I don’t know if it is still like that.

    But, generally, if you want an epub compatible reader that you can mod (NickelMenu etc) and easily side load stuff to, with a kobo libra you can’t go wrong. Even if, to be fair, I’m not up to date with the latest devices and company policies.

    One note: the kindle format is pretty closed and all the stuff you buy from amazon is generally DRMed to hell, so it’s not certain that you can pass it to other readers. Just avoid amazon’s ebooks.

    EDIT: One thing I missed: PDFs on the default kobo software are bad, the Boox default software for PDF is far better and - in my case - there’s a screen size difference too that can make my opinion biased. Aside from that for pure book reading kobo is generally better, but you need to buy a protective case for it: there are a lot of cheap and good quality compatible ones.

  • I went back and checked and it seems I kind of remembered it right, when it was first released on GOG there was some kind of version incompatibility with the Steam one: Link
    You can see it in the SKSE page too, there’s a version specific for GOG: Link

    But reading in the gog forums it seems this is not a problem for Fallout 4: Link

    We’ll have to try and see! ✌️

  • Until you have up and down votes there always will be someone making a tally.

    The concept of Karma of other sites, to be fair, is not as simple as that. A lot of times the Karma is not a straight tally, there are algorithms to mitigate abuse (ex. Try to disregard mass voting, sudden influxes of votes, or known bots votes), or it is used to indirectly move the conversation to a preferred subject (ex. Making points obtained in some discussions or communities less valuable, or directly not considering them).

    Luckily or not that kind of Karma is not present here, which basically makes the whole concept of total Karma pretty useless because you really can’t trust the value to be kind of truthful and not manipulated.

    Already with all the anti abuse, and it being calculated in a centralized platform, it was generally worthless. Here it is completely worthless. People should just be reminded of its real nature of an easily gamed system, and that it is not what they were used to.

    We can only hope that in the long run they will drop it.

  • I’m unsure how the whole cross-posting thing works, so I’m copying my comment from a cross-post here too, let me know if this is bad and how to approach cross-post comments correctly.

    I had the same problem. Yesterday I could access the modlog from the lemmy.ml instance but it had a lot of repeated entries. Like a lot.

    So yeah, something’s weird. On the lemmy-ui issue tracker there’s this: issue#1905 but I haven’t had the time to read it, I only skimmed it.

  • Probably I’m misreading it, but isn’t this kind of answer basically saying “google it”?

    I don’t want to sound rude, but my english is kind of failing me, I’m just curious, but what’s the point?

    One of the reasons of this kind of public forum is to share knowledge and experiences. ChatGPT is a closed, private, garden where the answer will just die.

    I could get a “I don’t really know the answer but I used ChatGPT and it gave me this:” followed by a script, or something like that.

    I know, this is off-topic and I’m sorry, I’m just really interested in Why, considering it’s said multiple times in this comment section.

  • If silence is the real culprit you should try out a white noise generator, generally speaking it should overload/excite you less then music or human voices and could help you sleep faster.

    Where I live silence during the night is not really an option, and I had had problems only when on vacation “away from civilization”, but small stuff like white noise, a fan or similar low but continuos sounds helped me out without asking for my attention (which happens with movies, music or similar).

    There are even apps that simulate different kind of sound and let you mix them (like rain, birds, wind) but I didn’t have enough patience to really dig on this solution.