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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2023

  • Moobythegoldensock@lemm.eetoaww@lemmy.worldThey made a new friend
    7 months ago

    Oh God. For anyone thinking of doing this in the future, do not play with deer. If deer get scared, they will trample you. It’s all fun and games until a 100 lb animal starts stomping your child into the ground. Even a fawn that size could cause some serious injury to that child.

  • Moobythegoldensock@lemm.eetoLinux@lemmy.mlWhat is wayland?
    7 months ago

    You’ve already gotten great answers on what Wayland is, but as far as who should care:

    Mainly developers and users with niche workflows. People with NVIDIA cards should care a little as initially NVIDIA did not support Wayland, but NVIDIA drivers are catching up so this should continue to improve. Most users should just switch when their DE switches.

  • Snowpiercer: Sure, there’s some evidence the world is warming, but at current there are two people, a bear, and no real shelter other than a rapidly cooling train. Just how long do they expect to survive?

    The Graduate: Ends with the famous fading smile. Sure, you ran off together… now what?

    Morbius: The central conflict of the movie is that the vampires who drink real blood go feral but are more powerful, and those who drink artificial blood are weaker but in control. Morbius is under time pressure because the artificial blood is becoming less and less effective, so he’ll eventually have to drink the red blood or die. He got a temporary victory killing Matt Smith, but due to the incompetence of the studio the actual real conflict of the movie is never actually resolved.

  • Your biggest tech challenge will likely be in installing linux. So take your time and work through a tutorial.

    Linux is a fundamentally different OS from Windows. Some desktop environments resemble various Windows versions, while others are very different: they might be more Mac like, or more mobile like, or completely unfamiliar.

    Installing programs is generally easier on linux because the default is to use the package manager (basically an app store) rather than downloading sketchy programs off websites that all want to update on their own schedule and all want to start when you boot the OS. Just search them, set updates to pop up weekly or whatever your preferred schedule is, and your package manager will do the rest.

    Troubleshooting is harder for new users but easier for experienced users: it typically requires more work that can be daunting for casual users, but it lets you get much deeper into the OS to fix problems, where on Windows you might just be stuck waiting for a patch.

    Compatibility is usually the biggest frustration, since many programs do not release a linux version, so you need to find alternatives or run them in a compatibility layer. Both of these solutions can sometimes cause problems getting the exact functionality you need, whereas if you’re using the natively supporting OS it may be smoother.

  • Having the device, I already tether the wifi. But it is indeed a compatibility issue: the old kernel drivers for the chip were janky and it’s doubtful how well they even worked the time. The code is apparently such a hot mess that the people who were working on it have stopped making progress. There is now skepticism that it will ever be fully functional.

  • I first heard of it in the early 2000s, with my dad talking about replacing our buggy Windows ME with Lindows. Eventually, that computer died without us ever attempting to install it.

    In college, I hung out with someone who used linux and thought it looked cool. I successfully dual booted Ubuntu on my PC around 2005 or 2006, but could never get the video drivers working properly (it was stuck at the lowest resolution) and eventually gave up on it.

    I started adminning a web forum around 2014 or so, and the previous admin talked me into dual booting Fedora rather than only using Putty. So I started using it intermittently whenever I started working on the forum, though I never really got into GNOME. He also told me about raspberry pis, so I picked up a pi 2 and started tinkering with it.

    When my wife moved in (2018), she (a software developer) was working on a project and asked me if I’d heard of raspberry pis, as she was recommended to use one but hadn’t looked into it yet. I pulled my pi 2 out of storage and she fell in love with it, so we started buying loads of pi 3s and zeroes, with me testing out different distros and setups for her while she was working on the project code.

    Finally, somewhere around 2018 or 2019 my laptop started running like shit on Windows. I tried out Xubuntu and fell in love with it. It ended up becoming our go-to distro, getting slapped on old desktops she brought home from work and a used laptop I bought for our daughter. So that became the daily driver on my laptop, even as she moved onto Alpine with i3wm.

    And now we both have Pinetab 2s, so I think it’s fair to say we’re full on linux nerds at this point. We still have Windows on some of our desktops, though, so we’re more pragmatists than linux proselytizers.

    TL;DR: I heard about it young, and that interest grew into dabbling, until I finally got addicted to it.

  • Your hand is the best 5 cards you can make out of your 2 hold cards and the 5 community cards.

    If your hold cards are 9-6 and the community cards are 3-4-5-7-8, your hand is a 9 high straight (5-6-7-8-9.) An opponent holding A-6 would have an 8 high straight (4-5-6-7-8,) so you would win because you have a higher straight.

    The game starts with 2 hold cards kept face down and a round of betting (preflop.) Then comes 3 face up community cards (flop) followed by another round of betting, then the 4th community card (turn) and more betting, and finally the 5th community card (river) and the final round of betting. Any players still in the hand reveal their cards in betting order, called the showdown, and the best hand wins.

    The trick to poker is to realize that, at any stage of the game, the player who has the best hand at that stage is more likely to have the best hand on the river. However, it’s also important to know that each new card has the potential to change who has the best hand.

    For example, Player 1 has a starting hand of 6-6, and Player 2 has a starting hand of A-A. Player 2 has a much better starting hand, and if the community cards are unhelpful to either player, then Player 2 will win with the higher pair.

    Let’s say the flop is 2, 4, 6, all offsuit. Now Player 1 has 6-6-6, putting them ahead of Player 2’s A-A.

    Level 0 play is to just call anything and hope you win. So if Player 1 was playing at level 0, they would bet the same regardless of whether their hand was good or bad, because they don’t really know what they’re doing.

    Level 1 is playing your own hand. Here, it means recognizing holding 6-6, which makes the set, is the second best hand after 3-5, which makes the straight. A level one player would play the odds and bet here.

    Level 2 is playing your opponent’s hand. Let’s say your opponent bets strongly on the flop. You consider that your opponent may have gotten the straight, two pair, or a set of 5s, and you might decide to fold to avoid getting burned by the straight.

    Level 3 is playing what your opponent thinks your hand is. If you think they have a straight draw or two pair, you may decide to bet strongly to give your opponent bad pot odds on calling your bet. Or if you think they’re unlikely to catch up, you bet weakly to make them think you’re on the straight draw, so they get overconfident with their A-A and make a large raise against you that you’ll eagerly call.

    Level 4 is playing what your opponent wants you to think they have. Let’s say your opponent bets strongly on the flop. They clearly want you to think they hit the straight, but you know they called your raise preflop and have been playing conservatively all night. Because of this, you are very confident that if they had 3-5 preflop they would have folded it instead of calling the raise, so you believe they actually have a pocket pair or A-K, A-Q, or A-J. You call, since your set beats all of those.

    Let’s say you call and the turn comes up a 3. Now you need to worry about your opponent having 5-5. Could they have hit the straight on the turn? What if they have 7-7: then on the river they could pick up a 5 or one of the remaining 7s to beat you (6 cards total.) Here, you’ll need a good read on your opponent and a good understanding of pot odds to decide whether it’s better to stay in the hand or fold. If you’ve correctly deduced that your opponent is likely to have A-A and is bluffing the straight, you will be able to confidently stay in the hand, but if you believe you are beat then you might have to fold.

    Ultimately, to consistently win at poker, you need to play exactly one level above your opponent. If you’re trying to bluff (level 3) but your opponent isn’t considering your hand at all (level 0 or 1,) the bluff won’t work. If you can master levels 1-3 and switch back and forth depending on your opponents, you’ll be a solid player.