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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Somebody needs to teach kids about actual drug safety. Abstinence from drugs is a shitty program that doesn’t work and often, the speakers just lie. Opipids are horrible enough that you don’t have to make up lies about them. When kids find out they lied about weed, they start to wonder what else they were lied to about. I can understand 14 year olds being dumb, but people in their 20s should know better than to be buying opioids on Snapchat and Telegram.

    Also, I don’t see a way how Snapchat can possibly regulate this. Just like with Craigslist, criminals will use emoji and code words to sell drugs and get through language filters.

  • You can’t blame a company in the GPS industry for directing people to drive over a collapsed bridge while they ignore multiple warnings that the bridge is out in the first place? It happened a decade ago, Google should have fixed it a decade ago.

    Also it can be hard to see the surface of the road at a distance at night. By the time he saw the bridge was out, it was probably too late. There’s no lights around the bridge at all.

    I’m not saying all of the blame is on Google though, that road should be blocked off/barricaded. However, all of this would’ve been avoided if Google Maps told him to take a right turn instead of a left. All they had to do was listen to the locals telling them that it’s impossible to cross the bridge for a decade. It’s negligence pure and simple and if it hadn’t happened to him, it would be someone else.

  • I mean, I enjoy Star Trek, but half of the original series is finding complicated ways for Kirk to bang a blue lady or a woman in a silver bikini with green hair after the landing party dies.

    The main cast survives everything, including Spock having his brain removed.

    The video calls from other ships completely block their view of their environment, which is usually pretty dangerous.

    Characters rarely evolve, the crew frequently gets disarmed and has to resort to melee combat, they constantly ignore their “prime directive”, the transporter always malfunctions, the holodeck goes haywire, etc. etc.

    Both series have huge glaringly obvious flaws, you just enjoy Star Trek more.

  • People are entitled because they don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on components only for them to be outdated within a fraction of the lifecycle of a console?

    How about all the people that have the minimum or recommended specs and still can’t run the game without constant stuttering? I meet the recommended specs and I’m playing on low everything with upscaling turned on and my game turns into a laggy mess and runs at 15fps if I have the gall to use the pause menu in a populated area. I shouldn’t have to save and reload the game just to get it to run smoothly.

    Bethesda either lied about the minimum/recommended requirements or they lied about optimization. Let’s not forget about their history of janky PC releases, dating back to Oblivion, which was 6 games and 17 versions of Skyrim ago.