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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023

  • Kids spend a huge amount of time at school. A good kid’s name needs to be yellable across the playground, (I knew a kid named Garfield, who went by Gar. Fine for conversation but you couldn’t call him without sounding idiotic.) singable for Happy Birthday, (my own is awkwardly long and off-meter) and not an obvious rhyme for any embarrassing body parts or functions. (Mulva?) It helps if it is spelled in a way that supports correct pronunciation, or at least doesn’t suggest an awkward mispronunciation. Kamylia (pronounced like camellia) works, Cameltoe doesn’t. A foreign language name, like an heirloom, should have a provenance or family story. Not just random appropriation. “I named my kid Shanghai because he’s how his mom Shanghaied me into marriage.” Terrible, but at least it’s better than nothing.

  • Fwiw, my kid who was like that still hates needles, she just has better ways of coping now. The other kid likes to watch it go in, doesn’t bother her a bit.

    Both get an ice cream cone on the way home.

    Of course being clenched up with fear makes it more painful too, so at some point not in the middle of the screaming, make sure they know to try to relax that arm muscle even if the rest of their body is rigid with fear. And to remember it’s going to take maybe 10 seconds so don’t pull away. (It will take less, but kids count fast)

    It’s too bad we can’t let them do it themselves, it might make it easier.

  • An easy way to add some vitamins and fiber, buy a bag of frozen broccoli cuts or other cut veggies and throw some in the boiling water when your pasta is almost done. When they froze it they cooked it a little, so you’re really just heating it up while your pasta finishes cooking. Use a rubber band or something to close the bag if you’re only using part of it. You can do this with frozen peas, cauliflower, green beans, or other veggies, but not soybeans/edamame! They have to be cooked separately to be sure they’re fully cooked, or they can make you sick.

    Unlike canned, frozen vegetables retain the nutrients of fresh. And you’re not opening the drawer to find they’ve gone moldy.

  • I’m afraid I need to contradict you. It is technically flushable. Certainly better than anything else out there! But depending where one lives, it can cause problems and one can’t just blithely flush it all down.

    For instance, I’m in an apartment building built in 1970, in a state with low-flush toilets and low-flow fixtures. The drains were built for more water and less stuff. And if they clog it’s not only my problem, it can affect everyone in the stack. Learned this the hard way, although there was probably more than the litter to blame.

    So I do flush the poo, with the litter coating it. But I scoop the pee clumps into those little green bags and put them in the trash. The bags and litter might be compostable but I’m not sure about the pee, and we don’t have compost collection set up yet anyway. At least being able to flush the poo is a lifesaver!

    I’m also not 100% sure about old septic systems.

    I’m happy for you that it works fine for you! You’re living the dream, dude! And with cats!

    It’s just that others’ mileage may vary.