• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Do you want to kill what tiny fanbase you already have in America? Because this is how you kill what tiny fanbase you already have in America. We already have MLS to not give a fuck about, but if you make it impossible for fans of a premier team to watch their team play then people will pivot to MLS or a new sport entirely. And somebody might chime in to point out that they have no reason to care about people who aren’t paying customers, except that these white whale fans absolutely are paying customers because they buy team merch and don’t shut the fuck up about how other people should also pay attention to their team, thus expanding interest in their team across the American market.

    I like the sport, but I can’t be bothered to give a shit about any team in particular. I just like the higher stakes games between high performance teams like in the world cup group stage and onward.

  • I’d be one of those forgettable NPCs who has one or two Pokemon who help me with chores and then we hang out in our small house. Squirtle would be my helpful, friendly bro. But I’d also like one of the dog ones to pet and snuggle with. Maybe Growlithe. Water and fire moves would be super handy in everyday life. They’d be occasional Flintstone appliances, but mostly something between pets and children. I would love them so much.

    And then you assholes would walk into my house uninvited and be annoyed that I wasted your time by not giving you anything. Like bitch, you’re lucky you didn’t catch a Flamethrower from my boy Growlithe over here for breaking and entering. Don’t look in my trash can, you nosey fuck. Damn Pokemon gym brings riffraff into this town. The shit I put up with for free healthcare…

  • Mine is for a very specific kind of depression that’s really more of a vibe of melancholic regret and realization of self limitations which breeds a strange, nearly apathetic anxiety. The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me by Brand New (full album) just picks at a scab that you know probably isn’t healthy but feels satisfying to indulge.

    For existential dread, Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd hits way different now than when I was young. Especially the songs Time and Great Gig In The Sky.

    For depression depression, I couldn’t be bothered to listen to any music. “Music is for winners” is kinda the mindset. Not helpful, but depression is a motherfucker and it’s almost like self-inflicted emotional abuse when you’re already vulnerable. You feel miserable and convince yourself that you deserve misery, so all is right in the world. It fucking sucks and I hope that if this comment causes anything in anybody’s brain to light up, saying “hey wait a minute, is that not normal?”, then please invest in yourself and spend some time with a therapist, take more vitamin D, and try to do what you can to get yourself to a place where those feelings are just memories that you can mention on Lemmy in hopes of helping others the same way that you needed help.

  • I’ve read through a good chunk of this thread and I think most people are correct in that you should initially be facing this head-on, particularly with the problem dude in person in front of the group. As a secondary action, I’d also recommend tightening your availability for full group activities afterward if it doesn’t resolve itself. What does that look like? Maybe one or two gaming sessions with the full group anymore, but the couple of chill dudes in the group can be separately invited to play something with you, maybe a new, different game. If the problem dude tries to put you on blast for doing this in some way, you have the ammo of “I’ve tried to give you a chance to be less toxic. You’ve refused. I’m trying to maintain friendships with the people who are considerate about my feelings. I’m still making an effort with you and you keep showing me that you’re a bad friend towards me. How much of your bullshit do you think is a reasonable amount for me to have to put up with before I’m justified in walking away?”

    I’m sure I don’t need to tell you this, but if you’ve seen him talking about the others behind their backs, and you’re not online with them as often as the others, then he’s almost certainly talking about you behind your back more than he does with everybody else. And any decent person in the group is aware of this and will respect you for speaking up. Just don’t do it yourself in your subgroup with the chill guys. If they bring it up, just say something like “guys, let’s not worry about them, let’s just focus on having a good time together right now.”

  • Are those podcasts any good for Linux noobs? I recently bought a used Steam Deck and love the OS so much that I’m considering building a beefy Chimera OS desktop to rival my PS5 in the living room and also replace my 2015 gaming laptop. I’m hesitant because I haven’t seen much info on how Chimera does outside of gaming since I still want to be able to also do standard browsing and stream TV/movies.

    I don’t know much about programming, so I’m a little nervous about where to start with making sure I’m prepared for troubleshooting Linux issues that I know I’ll encounter. I did okay with Windows issues but I’ve heard nothing but complaints about 11.

  • I’ve never heard of antennapod. How do ads work on it? Does it work well connecting to car Bluetooth? My wife signed up for duo Spotify, so I’m wondering if there’s any reason to switch since we’re already paying for that either way.

    I listened to an absolute shitload of 1upsmanship, but iHeart didn’t renew :(

    Other podcasts I listened to were Fake Doctors Real Friends (except during the strike), Behind the Bastards, Even More News, What A Day, and I’ve recently started Dungeons and Daddies and I’m fucking loving it.

    I also gave Your Favorite Band Sucks a shot, but I really can’t recommend it other than their episode on The Beatles. That one was so good that it made me want to know what they had to say about other bands I like, but they just came off as pretentious non-conformists who were bitterly jealous of the bands’ success, fame, and popularity. Their credibility as supposedly knowledgeable music experts went out the window when they said that Pearl Jam sucks, but Limp Bizkit and Creed are good. Everybody is entitled to opinions and preferences, but I expected more objectivity from a podcast that seemed to be aiming to challenge me to think critically about my music tastes and who I should give my money to. Telling me that Eddie Vedder can’t sing isn’t stating a fact or even a decent argument to begin to make to somebody who enjoys listening to him sing. I’ve ranted for too long about these guys here, but I just wanted to provide some supporting evidence to back up my claim that their podcast sucks. If only they did the same in their quest to explain how and why various bands suck… 🤔

    Behind the Police is a good, limited run that everybody should listen to. I think it’s only 6 episodes long and original aired in summer 2020 😬

  • Agreed, and on the topic of nuclear energy generation, it takes 10-20 years to build a decent plant. Combined cycle natural gas plants take less than 2 years from breaking ground to synchronizing with the grid. It’s no wonder these types of power plant have been sprouting up everywhere. If we wanted to be positioned to wean ourselves off of fossil fuels, we should’ve been building nuclear plants at some point in the past 40 years to handle base loads while we replace coal and gas plants with wind, solar, and hydro. Because of plastics, I don’t see us completely off oil products any time soon, but there’s no good reason for us to still be burning fossils fuels for electricity. And this is coming from a combined cycle gas plant operator. We are doing everything we can to be as green as feasible, but we still release significant greenhouse gases while nuclear plants don’t. America will be far behind if we continue on this path while other world leaders invest in modern nuclear tech. There will be a profitable, commercial fusion reactor somewhere in the world within 20 years, and maybe we will have built an experimental net-zero fusion reactor by then.

  • I have a waterproof Bluetooth speaker that was only like $20 and has surprisingly good bass. I bring it into the shower probably once a week for a longer self-care shower and jam out. Sometimes I use on the nightstand to help set the mood with my wife or bring it out to the kitchen if I’m prepping and cooking something that will take a while and I want music or a podcast playing.

    [This](OontZ Angle 3 Bluetooth Speaker, up to 100 ft Wireless Range, Portable Speaker for iPhone, Android Phones, Louder Volume, Crystal Clear Sound, Rich Bass, IPX5 Portable Bluetooth Speaker (Black) https://a.co/d/jajmSHt) is the product I bought. There might be better ones out now since I’ve had it for a few years, so I’m not saying this is the best thing ever. It’s cheap enough to take a chance on imo, and I would feel comfortable giving it as a gift if that’s the real purpose of your question. I especially like that it has volume buttons and the ability to skip to the next song. The only weird thing I don’t like is that there’s a big jump in volume on the low end so it goes from being very quiet to being a solid medium-high volume. I only go about two notches higher than that when I’m in the shower with it.

  • Molecule by Weedpecker. I was listening to the entire III album while cooking breakfast and cleaning up and the album looped right before I saw this question. Weedpecker is a really good vibe. Very spacey. It’s like post rock after getting out of a long relationship with stoner metal. At times, it reminds me of the Pikachu On Acid animation. If any of this sounds remotely interesting, clear your mind and check it out.

  • I’d love it if this were a small detail in a larger story. It could be an interesting underlying storyline to show the main character’s growth in starting off relishing in the fact that their ex couldn’t get people interested in their body, and then maybe pitying them, and finally anonymously tipping them, realizing that maybe if they had appreciated their ex’s body a little more then maybe things would be different. But being able to make them smile again and make them feel good about their body makes the main character see that life goes on and that there’s plenty of good in the world if you’re brave enough to kickstart it.

    But I’m not a writer. I’m sure your friend has better ideas.