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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • For me death is what gives life a meaning. No game is fun if you have to play it forever, no quest can be finished no boss is ever defeted. Things need to end. That is how Evolution works things have to change or everything is just frozen in time. The difficulty of decissions comes from their finality. You cant go back to school. You can’t go back and ask this person out. So your life might be meaningless in the grand scheme of it all but it metters in the short period of our existence. Does it really matter if you stand up each morning? It actually does.

  • The Decission was made long before Fukushima on the 14. 06. 2000. Th plan was to push for renewables and gas (because Schröder and Putin are friends probably). Then the conservatives under Merkel slowed down the transition and extended the runningtime for reactors for 10 to 14 years. Then Fukushima hit and a state elacion was up where the antinuclear greens now polled high. So Merkel axed nuclear energy (as it was planed from the beginning) in hope to get some votes.

    Continuning nuclear was never really an optin for the last 20 years. Germany should have build new nuclear powerplants in the last 20 years but now all closed reactors should be closed due to their age anyway and new ones would be to expencive and would take 10 years so the wouldn’t help with the transition.

  • As i said there is no morality in capitalism. There is no evil way to act in capitalism because the only right way to act in capitalism is tu accumulate capital there is no morality norm to classify actions as evil. Slavery in capitalism isn’t evil, it is a logical way zo act under capitalism. When we classify an action under capitalism as evil we do it with morality norms from outside the system. When we use the category “evil” we put value in how we treat living beeings. A question that ist part of capitalism. That’s why actions under capitalism aren’t evil under the view of capitalism but can be seen as evil from a not capitalistic point of view.