• 16 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 13th, 2022


  • The two state solution would, IMO, would not last. And I think China knows that, and also knows that it would eventually end in Palestine’s favour, which is why they advocate for it.

    In a two-state solution, Israel would get propped up by the US for as long as it’s beneficial and affordable to the US. Considering:

    a) Israel’s ability to bomb and terrorize with impunity would be severely curtailed by any peace deal,

    b) US economic might is on a continuing downward decline, and

    c) Unfettered by Israeli blockade, the Global South, Belt & Road, BRICS etc. would be able to throw their support behind Palestinian redevelopment, development and prosperity, and the NATO hegemony would be under pressure to make Israel competitive with that. And they’d have to throw money at it knowing they won’t be able to keep up.

    The US would be looking for excuses to withdraw support pretty much immediately. Any two-state solution that frees the Palestinian territories from Israeli occupation and suppression will look like a stalemate on paper, but it would completely curtail Israel’s strategic usefulness to the US, and the US will throw it under the bus like it does every other puppet-ally that outlives its usefulness.

    And I think the US and Israel know this as well. Depending on the terms, the US would see the two-state solution as effectively cutting their losses with Israel, while Israel would see it as doom. So for China, pushing for a two-state solution has the additional benefit of driving a wedge between Israel and the US, in addition to the benefits an actual peace would create.

  • I think it would be better to compare the Chinese government statement to the Vietnam (and other AES nation) government statement(s) (or lack of), and compare comments from the Vietnamese public to comments from the Chinese public. You’ll find no shortage of hatred for Kissinger where words aren’t curated by statesmanship.

  • Yeah I guess I’m venting too.

    This is one of the few anglophone communities on the internet where I usually can get a break from China bashing. Especially the damned-if-they-do, damned-if-they-don’t kind of bashing. And the ‘CPC is an uncaring monolith’ interpretations of the MFA’s excessively formal (to us) public decorum.