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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • OP: I have trouble with procrastination and executive functioning.

    Lemmy: Sounds familiar, maybe you should get checked out for this extremely common disorder where those are two major symptoms of it.

    You: Armchair psychiatrists! Big pharma shills!

    I mean, yeah it feels like ADHD talk is everywhere here because there’s a lot of ADHD people on Lemmy. That’s just because of the nature of the platform and a big chunk of who it appeals to. You don’t think that we might be able to recognize thoughts, patterns, behaviors and emotions that we ourselves have gone through? Sure OP might not have it but it doesn’t do any harm for them to learn it’s a possibility and do more research into it.

  • It’s my pick too. I’ve never seen another rendition I liked any better and it’s actually pretty loyal to the book. Caine’s Scrooge is actually very sympathetic and his character growth is really satisfying. It’s funny and wholesome and nicely grounded in what the holiday means to me personally. I’m an atheist but I love Christmas because of the reminder to share our appreciation and gratitude to the ones we love, and come together to share our good fortune or commiserate over bad. Plus the songs are so catchy.

  • Nefara@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    8 months ago

    Thanks. It really felt like every time I tried to speak up about it the response was as if they weren’t hearing me at all. No one seemed concerned or even really acknowledged what I was saying. It would have gone a long way for someone to say “wow that sucks” and at least make some show of trying to find something to do about it, even if it did end up as something I had to just “tough it out” with. They were so good about other aspects of the experience that it really threw me that no one took it seriously.

  • Nefara@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    8 months ago

    I had a baby last year, and while I was lucky to have an uncomplicated and smooth birth, my experience with lactation was hellish. I had no frame of reference to be able to anticipate how painful breast feeding could be, and my discomfort and suffering were constantly dismissed and downplayed by every nurse I encountered. They basically played it off as “oh you’re just not used to it” and told me my baby’s latch was fine so I must be fine. One nurse even squeezed my (extremely sore and sensitive) breast while attempting to show me how to feed my baby. I tried telling them the breast pump machines hurt me even on the lowest setting and they just waved me off with a “well it’s gotta be done” attitude. When my milk finally did come in it was literally the worst pain I’ve ever experienced. I woke my husband up with a wailing howl of anguish that made him think the baby had died. When I called the women’s health line, trying to explain what I was going through in between gasps and choking back tears they said they couldn’t help me but they’d have someone call me back. No one did. I ended up spending the night hyperventilating and in tears trying to massage myself while my husband tried to soothe me.

    In every other respect my baby and I got exemplary care. I just got the impression that my experience with having so much pain must be rare, and because of that they figured it couldn’t happen or I was just making shit up. I certainly had no idea it could hurt, it wasn’t even on my radar of things to be worried about, but turned out to be the worst part of having a baby. I did make an effort to make myself heard, and made some complaints at follow up appointments, but who knows if they took it seriously.

  • As far as losing weight goes, the importance of that will really depend on the type of person you want to date. If you’re only attracted to people who put a lot of effort into their fitness and appearance, you’ll have to do the same. If that’s not as important to you though, there are definitely options out there. Online dating might be rough, but being kind, respectful, comfortable in who you are, and open minded will take you a long way.

  • I’m compromising on those things right now with a phone that’s ten (!!) years old now. If I could get one running a current OS, that was between 120-150mm with a replaceable battery, headphone jack, usb c, and the ability to take a 1TB micro sd along with a physical sim, I would take that upgrade.

  • Nefara@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldSo long, small phones
    8 months ago

    Yeah the older android version is what killed it for me really, as I would have even kept using it as a wireless device. I couldn’t install my preferred browser, email app, reddit is fun etc on it after enough years. I even rooted it and looked into installing a new version of Android on it but couldn’t haha. It was compact, comfortable to hold, but big enough to browse and read text or to use an onscreen keyboard without much trouble. I was really disappointed to learn that there just were no phones compatible with 4G/LTE running Android 8 or higher that size, not even cheapie ones.

  • I’m a staunch and unyielding small phone user and this does, admittedly, describe me. I used my LG Optimus (4.75" or 120mm) for something like 6 or 7 years and I loved it. I don’t use my phone for games or video and just want something I can always tuck in a pocket (on women’s clothes this means tiny). It was the perfect size for my hand. When it stopped working because of the 3G/4G change over I upgraded to the smallest, most decent phone I could find: a Samsung Galaxy S7. I am still using it something like 5 years later and I would never go bigger than this, it fits comfortably in one hand, is light, and the battery is replaceable and lasts me all day. It sticks out of pants pockets but fits in a coat or jacket pocket. I would be willing to pay a higher up front cost to get a new phone if it was exactly what I wanted though, about 5" with no bloatware, replaceable battery, headphone jack, and a great camera.

  • Nefara@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    Not necessarily, if your back pain is caused by your breasts. Imagine wearing a school backpack on your chest all day every day, and how that would strain your back and shoulders. Then try wearing a hiking backpack instead with a hip belt. It redirects where the weight is resting on your body. The average women’s corset in the 1800s was strengthened with paper or cording or sometimes whale balleen, a material similar to heat sensitive plastic, which are not really materials rigid enough to limit your movement much. Historical corsets were designed to redistribute the weight of breasts to the hips, for most women it was meant to provide support to the breasts first and foremost, and smoothing a tummy roll or giving a smidge more definition in the waist was just a bonus. Working women who wore corsets in kitchens and laundries and schools or farms had no issues with weaker core muscles.

  • I use it straight out of the bottle, the ~5% or so concentration you get at the grocery store. Just to be clear, NOT “cleaning vinegar” which would probably eat through your colander. The only time I’ve tasted a difference after using the vinegar was when I didn’t rinse it well enough and got that tart pickle taste on a grape or two (wasn’t that bad actually). Since it’s food grade, even if you miss a bit it’s NBD, which is not the same case for some other produce washes. Definitely give it a try, even my husband who hates vinegar hasn’t complained.

  • Not sure if you’re thinking of long or short term, but I’ve found that if I want to have, say, 2lbs of stawberries last me until I can eat them that a vinegar rinse in the sink will stave off the mold. It also has the benefit of killing off some common bacteria like e coli and staphylococcus aureus if you let it sit for long enough. Whenever I get fresh fruit that I’m not going to eat that day or the next, I’ll clean it by dumping it in a colander and spraying it thoroughly with a spritz bottle full of food grade white vinegar and letting it sit for at least 5min, sometimes a half hour. Then I rinse it with water, let it dry a bit and then put it in the fridge. Strawberries will last over a week generally, and they usually go soft or ferment before they go moldy.

  • It’s not as bad as all that, I’ve cut it out of my diet for about fifteen years. It involves A LOT of reading ingredient labels but for just about everything it’s in, there is an alternative without. Sometimes it does come at a premium, though. In the past ten years or so a lot of food manufacturers realized there was a market for foods without it and often advertise it on the label (breads especially). With some things like soda, you can get real sugar, glass bottled sodas which are expensive, but another alternative is drinking water which you should be doing anyway.