• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Good news. Both that Starfleet Academy is greenlit, and that Tawny Newsome is one of the writers. The part of the DSC episode teasing a Starfleet Academy (DSC s4e4) came across to me as having an ABC Afterschool Special vibe. It didn’t strike me as being sustainable as a series. But, with this new information, I’m curious and hopeful about Starfleet Academy. I’m also very happy that it will be set in the 32nd century. Making room for new characters and possibilities.

    “I’m also pleading 🙏 let David Cronenberg’s Kovich be involved.”

    Yes! As well as Admiral Vance and Tilly as series regulars.

  • " … the story for “Unification” is jam-packed with exactly the kind of dry, political, diplomatic talk that sets Trekkies’ hearts aflutter."

    Hey, I like action, too. But, they aren’t wrong. I do like “Unification’s” premise and execution.

    I think attempting the reunification of Vulcan and Romulus is pretty epic. Because the two are major players in Star Trek. A diplomacy mission between two planets/species of the week wouldn’t hold as much drama to me. No way to know what might have been without something beyond “less talky, more action” about the idea. Learning about the thoughts and concerns at the time is interesting.

    I enjoyed the surprise of seeing Dr. McCoy with Data, and I wanted more along those lines at the start of TNG. I was still craving more of the TOS cast, in addition to the films, at TNG’s start. By TNG’s third season I thought the show stood firmly on its own.

  • I’m not an accountant. My understanding is that streaming companies are using accounting alchemy with write-downs to bump up what’s in the profit category for a quarter. A streaming program getting this treatment disappears from the streaming platform. The studio chooses to take a quick on paper profit now, rather than continue to carry a show for a possible profit later. Viewers are left in the lurch – the show(s) they enjoyed or intended to watch are gone. And creators are hung out to dry, as the programs they created and worked on are not only gone from the streaming service, but may never be seen again. Prodigy has the advantage of a vocal fan base. Many shows might never gain an audience because there is no longer any way to see them.

    Prodigy isn’t the only program Paramount+ disappeared. Paramount+ isn’t the only company doing this. Disney Plus removed a lot content earlier this year.

  • I’m hoping Very Short Treks started with their weakest showing. Who okayed this? I’m imagining someone who when asked what their favorite part of Star Trek is, responds, “the lightsabers and the Wookies.” How else would the not at all representative of Star Trek whinge, “omg, I can’t say anything without offending someone!,” get put on repeat for nearly the entirety of the short. Except by someone who is clueless about Star Trek. And then ending with the Captain getting his imaginary girlfriend wish fulfilled. What the hell did I just write. What the hell did I just watch.

  • I call my cats by pet names of, sweetie, bunny (I have no idea why I call cats bunnies), love. I also call them by the pet names of bogan, hooligan, and ruffian. “Which one of you hooligans did this?” is an often used phrase in my home. My cats are very good at looking innocent when they are guilty; and looking guilty when they’ve done nothing wrong. They drive me crazy. I love them with all my being.

  • When I last had a dog (I still love and miss you, Ali) he would eat whatever I wrapped his pill in and spit out the pill. I had to put the pill in his mouth, gently hold his snoot close, and massage his throat until he swallowed the pill. Cats I’ve lived with? I tried to give a pill to one of my cats. The cat became a whirlwind of anger, fury, and indignation. I think they bent time-space and opened a wormhole. I wound up taking them to the vet, and having a vet tech give my cat the pill.