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  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Nobilmantis@feddit.ittoFuck Cars@lemmy.mlsame bed length
    7 months ago

    Not the same bed width or volume though.

    Are you going to tell me that insane difference in vehicle and engine size and weight is needed to gain that extra inch and a half of bed width? I think we can agree it is absolutelty not and I am pretty sure you can find a model of the sane truck with a larger/longer bed as well. Actually here it is, and it hauls way more than the “truck”, crazy bro they even made a version thats closed and higher so you can bring like 3x more stuff and it doesnt rain on your precious power tools or literally whatever you are carrying around.

    Not the same comfort level in the cab or crew capacity.

    Sorry what? Comfort level? You mean like ass-heating seats or cup holders? Werent we talking about a work vehicle? And even if not, what comfort feature is it not possible to implement in the smaller one? A toilet in the backseats? The crew capacity argument kinda “holds” in the very very specific and nieche scenario where you need to carry a very big team… but also not that many tools and materials? And I think we can agree 99,99% of the trips done in those don’t fall within this scenario.

    Definitely not the same towing capacity.

    14000 libs towing capacity, my brother in christ, do you need to tow a tank? Because if not, the only thing that number is towing is its marketing

    It’s silly to buy the bigger truck just to drive around town, but there are plenty of legitimate reasons to get one.

    And that’s kind of what this entire community is advocating for; I don’t think no one cares if a person that actually needs a worktruck buys the silly type of truck for actual work (even though this posts wants to say that for A LOT of those cases there might be a financially and efficiency-wise better alternative). What’s stupid is that roads in some countries around the world are filled with them and I assure you 99% of them are used for the 1% they are advertised for.

    Wall of text, forgot to say that they also have shitty visibility, while the second type one is great

  • The process is broken if the people you rely on suck. It is inevitable that someone, in a form or another, will be representative of the group of people you are part of (may it be a dictator, an influential priest, or an elected representative); we have the luxury of living in (somewhat?) democratic countries. The way out of surveillance misuse is making (or forcing) our politicians pass laws that restrict what companies or agencies can do with our data, or how they can use them. I think spreading awareness about this topic is the most effective way to push these kind of rules in effect.

    While individualistic “guerrilla privacy” might be effective for yourself, it’s like a band-aid on a broken bone. If 99% of the people around you don’t care about it, or simply are unaware (family, neighbours, friends), you will join the surveillance system no matter what: from a family member uploading your details to meta, to a stranger taking a picture with you in it and posting it, to your neighbors ring camera, to your friend’s iPhone constantly scanning the surroundings to report nearby devices (your phone, for instance) to “improve location data”.

    If there is no laws that prevent evil actors from misusing this power, really little changes in the bigger picture by you using signal or protonmail (while you should do it, don’t get me wrong).

    EDIT: i know this will be controversial, but to me this is a good metaphor for it: the world is slowly getting hotter due to companies just caring about profits and politicians passing no laws to reverse the process, while instead actually taking bribes from those companies to not do anything about it (look, look, it’s the same duo again) and your solution is… You dig an underground bunker to survive the next heatwave/hurricane.