• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I’m just a passer-by here, but, I have a house with pine siding. It stains fine? Maybe we’re not thinking of the same thing.

    I’ve used Benjamin Moore’s “ARBORCOAT Translucent Classic Oil Finish” tinted “Natural,” as well as on my deck tinted “Cedar.” For the sides facing South and West I would ideally re-stain every 3 years it looks like, and it does seem to be getting darker every time I do that.

    I had always used this foaming wood cleaner, but one time in a pinch I bought the “normal” … not-foaming cleaner, and that turned out to be a big mistake. This cleaner didn’t clean so much as bleach, then when I put on the transparent stain it just looked like bleached wood. Luckily that was just a shed.

    Edit: This is the cleaner - https://www.homehardware.ca/en/4l-2-part-oxygen-deck-patio-and-stone-cleaner/p/1874410

  • Yeah, I tried naming the files to help, but then Google Photos doesn’t make it easy to see those.

    The first picture is the vent outside. Essentially, the hood fan (inside) exhausts into the top of the metal box that’s in the wall. On the other side of that box, around the middle, is a vent that goes outside. Then there’s just a dead-end area of the metal box where some bugs have collected.

    |  (Hood fan blows in here        |
    |           from inside house )   |
    |                                 |
    |                                 |
    |     (Vent to outside house)     |
    |                                 |
    |                                 |
    |           (Bugs)                |

  • I have email going all the way back to 2013 or so, and don’t like the idea of all that information sitting readily available for hacks, warrants, or automated scanning. I move mail older than two years into a local Thunderbird folder to limit what’s sitting online, while also letting me search for recent emails while out and about.

    Aside from that, I like that I can still access emails while offline, see all my inboxes, contacts, and calendar in one place. Also, I’ve got enough “apps” that run in the browser.

    Actually, sudden account closure without recourse (which Google does) is another reason to make sure I have local copies of email too.

  • I would say the technology for cloud gaming is here today, but the home internet connections of a lot of people aren’t ready yet.

    You witness this a lot with video conferencing. People tell one person their audio/video is shitty, and that person just shrugs and says “yeah, I have bad internet.” In my head I’m screaming “Well, what have you tried?!” or “I see you sitting beside the refrigerator there!”

  • Ooh, we’re not at the speed of light as a limit yet, are we? Do you mean “point A to point B” on fibre, or do you actually mean full on “routed-over-the-internet”? Even with fibre (which is slower than the speed of light), you’re never going in a straight line. And, at least where I live, you’re often back-tracking across the continent before your traffic makes it to the end destination, with ISPs caring more about saving money than routing traffic quickly.

  • As someone who takes an ADHD medication, I find the idea of a drug shortage terrifying. Life gets so, so much harder when I’m unmedicated.

    It’s like the difference between walking on a sidewalk and walking in sucking mud, with stuff falling out of your pockets you have to keep going back to find. You build a life that’s only possible thanks to your ability to walk on sidewalks. If you suddenly find you can only get around by walking through mud, even with a huge amount of will power, you’re going to watch your life fall apart as you just can’t keep up the pace of your old life.

  • Every once in a while I’ll use dish soap and my fingers, then dry with a microfiber cloth.

    Microfiber cloth and whatever that glasses spray is works ok, but after a while it feels like I’m just pushing smudges around. Dish soap for the microfiber cloth will also fix that.

    When I see people using their shirt to clean their glasses I cringe inside.

  • I journal to process thoughts, feelings, and problems, so I often go back to try to help me “figure things out.” It’s a double-edge sword sort of situation. Like it really lays bare the fact that certain problems I’ve made zero progress on over the years, but on the other hand, it’s helps me realize other places where I’ve made way more progress than I would have thought.

    If you’ve ever seen the Black Mirror episode where they’re able to record their memories and play them back, it can be a little like that. An argument with the wife? I can pull back every. single. time. she’s done “that” before. I think that’s probably not good.

    Anyway, overall, when I come away from reading past journal entries I tend to feel a lot more calm and humble.