NuraShiny [any]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: September 21st, 2021


  • hottest of takes: Personal tragedies in your backstory are overrated. Heck, having a large, complex backstory is overrated too. Many of the best characters I have ever played have had the most basic of backstories and motivations. It’s so much more fun to throw your all into the story the DM is telling my inventing a reason why you care super hard, rather then wanting to have the story be about your character specifically.

  • Rolemaster manages it by making each spell utterly static, give only a minimal and insufficient description and make these spells either pointless or stupidly OP depending on our DM.

    Just look at this:

    Boil Liquid — For each level of caster, one cubic foot of liquid can be heated to boiling at a rate of 1 cubic feet per round.

    Literally the whole spell description outside of a tiny list of stats. So can I boil oil with this and throw it in people’s faces? Does it work on water in a container? Does it have to be a cube of water or can it be a puddle of 1 cubic foot total volume? All left to DM fiat.

    Warm Solid — Any solid inanimate, non-metal material (up to 1 cubic foot per level) can be warmed to 37°C at a rate of 1 cubic foot per round of concentration.

    This is a spell they wrote. Most low level spells in Rolemaster could be replaced by a prestidigitation effect.

    Woodfires — Causes any wood to ignite and burn. All wood ignited must be within a one foot radii.

    Another one that just doesn’t answer anything. Can I ignite wood that’s painted? Can I do it under water? Does plant fiber count as wood? What about barkskin? Can I set a treant on fire with this? If so, how much damage does it do? The spell does not say.

    Rolemaster is terrible.

  • I find this more fun in systems like Shadowrun where I can be like ‘This mag is alternatively loaded with Exex and APDS ammo and it’s for the big emergencies that sometimes happen’. Like, you might have 6 different mags with different ammo in that game and use them all, depending on what situations come up.

    I really like Fabula Ultimas take on this too: Basic consumables like arrows aren’t limited or tracked, but you have inventory points that inform how many potions or other situation-changing items you can produce out of your bag of tricks, before you need to hit a town to restock. And then they have some abilities/classes you can pick give you more of these points, refill these points in combat or during travel, or key off of these points to do other things related to crafting and item use. Really really good.