• 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023


  • EXPECT legislative-shenanigans, people…

    EITHER they’ll extend copyright again,

    XOR they’ll just “conveniently” have copyright apply in court, even-though it doesn’t apply on-paper.

    Never believe a career-criminal, or Dark Triad entity, has changed, unless you see robust, consistent, years-long, actual, objective proof of that change having-happened.

    Extraordinary-claims require extraordinary backing/evidence.

    _ /\ _

  • Once Trump’s coronation happens, and he guts NATO, backing Russia instead,

    China is going to be rampaging Asia, creating its “Chinese Century” or “Chinese Dominion” empire.

    He’s a fool if he believes that Vietnam is going to be exempt from that.

    Modi’s India is relying on Russia, China’s economic-vassal-state to help it against China.

    That too is idiocy.

    I wish I’d known, decades ago, that no matter how idiot-proof a governance is, Nature can evolve better idiocy.

    _ /\ _

  • I have a very special 6-sided die that I roll, to tell me if I’d enjoy it …

    … it says “No” on all 6 sides.

    : P

    I’m an old autistic.

    Having someone else’s pre-digested meaning forcing itself into me is … emotionally-violent abuse.

    PS: if you want to REALLY UNDERSTAND Story, WAAAY more awesomely than the shit-quality “education” we all had, pushed…

    Please, Please, PLEASE invest in John Truby’s “Anatomy of Genres” & “Anatomy of Story” books.

    Nothing else in all the writing literature comes even close to the psychology & writing-competence he offers in those 2 books.

    I’ve some minor disagreements with him ( his concept of “village” is a Wild West village, mine is a Tribal Village of the 0.5-2 millions of years before our recent agriculture invention ), but there is simply sooo much wealth of understanding in his books, you can’t imagine…

    Not only that, but your understanding of how movies work skyrockets, having read 'em, too!

    Just as, in movies, there was Before Star Wars, and After Star Wars,

    and in gaming, there was Before Alyx, and After Alyx,

    in Story, there is Before Truby’s Books, and After Truby’s Books.

    ( for presentations, hit Weissman’s “Presenting to Win”,

    for editing, Coyne’s “The Story Grid”,

    for building muscle in writing, Josip Novakovich has books of exercises to do… )

    Beauty, eh?

    _ /\ _

  • That, ITSELF, speaks of the murder-regimes that are enforcing fear of consequences of accountability-speech.

    If God is real, and it is prone to purifying populations, then I wouldn’t want to be part of any regime enforcing demon-law, ANTI-accountability-for-abuse, in God’s face…

    That is Russian Roulette, from the religious perspective, with a grenade,

    and it is being done by the religious?

    shaking head

    Apparently intellectual integrity is mutually-exclusive with religion?

    Or the specific intelligence of seeing what inevitable consequences means?


    _ /\ _

  • You eventually see different-dimensions of attractiveness…

    Young women’s simple vitality is like a breath of fresh-air in the eyes, after living in the smoggy downtown, – but … their minds are too blank.

    Sometimes you see gorgeous determination…

    Sometimes you see profound depth, pulling at one’s soul…

    Dwelling deeply in both yoga & meditation can do that, as I discovered a few years ago…

    ( I hadn’t known it’d be visible until seeing it! : )

    Sometimes you see delightfully ferrocious multiple-intelligences in a woman…

    but our world is so systematic about stomping-out girls’ & womens’ LivingValidity, LivingWorth, LivingPotential, & LivingOpportunity, that it’s too horribly common to see only 1 dimension of pulling-one’s-Eternity-to-them, for me, anyways…

    I’m committed to ripping my Soul/CellOfGod from the endless-churn-of-OceanOfPhenomena/UniversesStream.

    Solitude, Dwelling Within: war against my unconscious-ignorance.


    Someday one of the someones/personalities/lives that this-Soul has, will get the final breakthrough…

    Someday, UniverseContainment will be broken, for this Soul/continuum.

    Enlightenment can happen: the basic foundation-realizations exist, so therefore the rest of the structure, already-described long ago, must also exist.

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