A soup.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Look, if you can’t handle that people here like Linux, you’re probably better off just leaving the site altogether and going to somewhere like Reddit. Lemmy is FOSS, which is the main ethos behind Linux.

    You’re like the kid who goes into a McDonalds and then complains that they don’t serve fois gras there. What the fuck did you expect? It’s a fucking McDonald’s. They’re not gonna have that shit there.

    Also, it would help you out in your future if you understood the difference between people liking something and talking about it on their own with others and “shoving it down your throat”.

  • To me it looks like you hold a lot of pride in being a human and consider humanity special. Im here to tell you we are no different from amoebas and giraffes. We just specialize in our complex meat computers.

    If you took a psychedelic or a cognitive psychology class you would understand through feel that feel is just the result of you being a meat calculator. Our feelings are the cumulative result of all the inputs and outputs. All at once. Slap some lived experience filters for subjectivity and bam.

    Feel is subjective. Not everyone’s a vicious crypto tech bro. Open your mind its a good time ❤️