• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I don’t understand this ruling. They all seem like minor things. And this has been true for years:

    The ability for manufacturers to provide an alternative app store alongside the Play Store on new devices

    Samsung has always had a separate app store install on their phones. And Xiaomi has one I’m pretty sure. Amazon definitely does.

    How is it not a good thing for developers to be able to charge customers outside of the app store? I get that it may be better for security for Google to be taking care of it, but it seems financially better for developers not to have 30% of their income taken.

    IDK, if someone can explain why this stuff is actually new or bad, I’d love to hear it.

  • RGB3x3@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldWhat DID Apple innovate?
    6 months ago

    I’ve gotta be honest, it feels like it takes several more steps to do anything on iOS than on Android. Finding anything is a chore, it’s slow in favor of long animations, and settings are so far out of the way or non-existent, that it’s so difficult to troubleshoot issues.

    Personally, I don’t think iOS is any easier than Android, it’s just that Apple strips away everything that your grandparents don’t need, but that regular users could really benefit from.

  • I don’t appreciate the idea that it’s somehow worse that women and children are the ones dying, as if men are expendable. It’s one of the grossest forms of sexism.

    Now, if they had said “X% of those killed are children,” I’d have fully supported that. Adults are definitely more expendable than children. Children deserve full protection by everyone.

    But men’s lives matter in these situations too. We’re not meaningless.

  • this man has EVOLVED beyond the intelligence of past species. He is not just educated, evolution has gained him superior intelligence!

    Yes, exactly. This is exactly what’s happened. Humans are far more intelligent than any other species on earth.

    They might look the same as every religious human but they are actually a different species!

    You’ve missed the entire point of the post. Religion is a symptom of not being intelligent enough as a species to get past simple answers to hard questions. Atheists aren’t more enlightened like you’re implying, just that atheism is the next step in human intelligence that not everyone has made or will make for a thousand years. As a whole, humans are still an incredibly young species.