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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • You think I am going to give them milk? Purchased from the gubmint with my Obama food card? When I can get milk for free if I had a farm? Which I don’t. It’s the concept of the thing. Don’t strain yourself too much trying to, you know, think. Growth hormones didn’t hurt me during my high school wrestling days. Perfectly acceptable to give to my 5 year old Jimmy so he doesn’t turn out gay like his Uncle Jared. /I am Uncle Jared //Maybe if I had taken T or whatever was available 40 years ago things would be different. I know wrestling certainly awakened things in me.

  • “Oh yeah, well, my uncle killed an entire playground full of kids. As retribution for another uncle who detonated a nuclear bomb on a factory making free antibiotics for the poor. Why just yesterday a bunch of hippies in Portland burned down a church full of worshippers because they don’t pray to trees. I don’t hear any Army choppers. This is America. We protect our own. Mostly. Sort of. We’re a young country, still workshopping as it goes.” tl;dr Dirty hippies are dangerous if you don’t pray to trees.

  • When I lived in Japan, the place I worked had a union though I wasn’t a member. In all the time I worked there, all I heard was how their union got certain concessions and they were fighting for other things, too. Concessions which were already a part of our contract across the network regardless of union status. And the office lost one lawsuit which was a neverending topic from the union folks. Funny thing is, the company had to be taken to court again for noncompliance of the previous decision. Which they still hadn’t followed by the time I left.

  • Well, someday science is going to make new discoveries and prove this is all wrong. It’s like the coffee thing. Is it good for you or is it bad for you or…it’s just dirty water and we can all go about our lives. Personally, my magic cloud god tells me they put it there to give us light and warmth. And turns it off to save electricity. Which is a good habit if you ask me. Follow my imaginary Hebraic friend and save on your bills.

  • Better to have seen the sun for what it truly is, even for a moment, and be blind forever. Never seeing the birth of your child. Or your bride/groom on your wedding day. Or your peers’ celebration of your accomplishments. Because you are blind. After staring at the sun for a few seconds. All worth it. *gets up **immediately walks into door frame. Corrects himself. Walks out door like a hero.