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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • It’s not entirely clear cut.

    Douglas P of Death in June (who I meant to reference in my original post) sells (sold?) Algiz Rune pins, and stickers of Totenkophs on rainbow backgrounds (but, he’s openly homosexual) as band merch.

    Sol Invictus was formed by Tony Wakefield, who got kicked out of Death in June for being too right wing; and then he subsequently went on to create Above the Ruins for the National Front (interestingly, used to be banned but is back on Spotify), (but now regrets it).

    Von Thronsthal use a logo very close to the Schwarze Sonne, and self-published under “Fasci-Nation Recordings”.

    Both are on Spotify with no problems.

  • I like folk music and industrial music. The overlap of the two seems to also have a disproportionate overlap of … what’s the best way to put it?… fascist-adjacent music. Imagery, themes, etc.

    Am I a fascist? No.

    Are the artists fascist? I don’t know, Boyd Rice Douglas P/Death In June sure has had some controversies about him, but he’s not been banned from streaming services. But In some ways I don’t care, I don’t have the time to unpick every lyric, image and interview from the artists I listen to, to make a decision on their political views. I just like the music. Open a public playlist and listen.

    None of the music I listen to appears to be sold on Midgard. But does that mean they’re not fascist?

  • Is this just the cost per raw Watt produced?

    Is it a fair comparison vs conventional fuel-based power (coal/nuclear)?

    Ie: if you wanted to build a plant capable of producing continuously, 24 hours a day, you would need some multiple of solar panels to produce an excess during daylight, and storage.

    Not that drastic drops in solar costs aren’t bad, just what would the cost-per-watt be if you had to power an average city on just solar for a year?

  • Exactly. The AIs job is to generate humanness. The things that don’t look human get discarded, the things that have strong human indicators get kept. Oh look, the AI did its job. Shocked pikachu.

    The white thing is probably just a case of biased training data. Which is going to be a problem across all AIs. I wouldn’t be surprised if in 5-10 years (if the fad lasts longer than NFTs lmao) we find out the ‘AIs’ have all been fed biased data as yet another means of large corporations controlling the narrative of the population.

  • Absolutely fucking awful. I’ve had issues with every one I’ve used.

    Been trying to move to silverblue/ublue/sericia.

    Firefox comes out of the box as both a system package and a flatpak. The flatpak does WebGL stuff fine, but video is broken; the system package does video, but webgl is broken.

    Boxes was the first app I had needed to open a file with, and every time I need to, I have to restart some systemd portal service first. And there’s no guest to host audio.

    I always had this problem with Inkscape on standard fedora where the icons on the layers menu would be corrupted. Wasn’t so on my first use of it with flatpak. Great! But subsequent runs the issue returned.

    Discord worked fine for a few weeks. Then it started crashing on launch. A bit of googling and installing an old MESA platform flatpak had the problem resolved… for a day.

    The only flatpak that has worked without a hitch has been Spotify.

    Everything is so different, I have no idea how to debug this shit. And even then, I’m not 15 with unlimited time and zero dollars any more. I don’t have the time to spend 5 hours working out why my image editors icons are wrong.

    Having a one-stop distribution-agnostic repository where it’s easy to install software devops-style is a win. (Setting up custom repos, or installing the latest rpm every week (looking at you discord) can be a pain). Buuut I’m not convinced.