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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • A good while back we had no working model for a heliocentric solar system nor any solid indication of it…until we did. But I’m pretty sure the earth was going around the sun even before we realized it, and even before we existed at all.

    A Brief History of Time was great! I’d also definitely recommend it to all.

  • probably options between surrender and nuclear warfare

    Yes, a ground invasion. Which was mentioned in the previous comment. And no, I don’t think it was intended to ‘punish’ civilians, but rather to make clear that the Japanese empire could not win. A common claim is that it actually saved civilian lives.

    the US in Afghanistan, despite being shitty, were not doing genocide

    Agreed. But they were killing a part of an ethnic group in the process. And it included civilians at times. Doesn’t seem vastly dissimilar. And the goal in the fire bombings of Germany was absolutely to kill German civilians and it was explicitly stated as such.

    if the numbers were the same, does it matter?

    Yes, very much so. The intent and methods absolutely matter. 9/11 killed thousands of civilians, but it would absurd to consider it genocide.

    Is the Holodomor “not as bad” as Pol Pot’s genocide?

    Simply put, yes. But more importantly, they are fundamentally different things, which is what I’m pointing out.

    What would you call this category you propose?

    Doesn’t matter to me as long as it’s agreed upon.

    what word would you use for what Israel is doing?

    I’d probably just stick with warfare. Brutal and horrible warfare. They are waging war to destroy an enemy that attacked them, and in doing so are killing a fuck load of civilians in the process. Sort of like Britain in WWII.

    I’ll pose a question back, how many civilian deaths/collateral damage does it take for it to be genocide in your eyes? What if the Israeli’s only killed 1 single civilian as collateral damage? 10? 100? 1000?

    To me, genocide requires intentional effort to end a group of people and/or their culture through specific and measurable actions. Some definitions agree with me, others don’t.

  • In regards to nuclear weapons use in WWII, the dominant narrative is that the alternative is a ground invasion with greater loss of life. I guess the Allies just surrendering was an option to… but that’s would have lead to more genocide, no?

    And while I know that’s the UN definition. I’m saying I disagree with it for being too broad and including most forms of warfare. I think actually planned slaughter of an entire group with the attempt of elimination is worth keeping a separate (and worse) category.

    Most accept that the horrors of WWII committed by the Allies were ‘worth it’ to stop the more evil Axis. But if it actually was worth it is perhaps worth debating, I don’t disagree.

  • Naw, I want real legalization like in Canada (BC in particular). Flying domestically with cannabis is a legally protected right in Canada. And public consumption is permitted anywhere tobacco use is. None of this ‘in the privacy of your own home’ bullshit that makes it impossible for tourists to technically consume legally.

    Maybe in time Las Vegas will have a well labelled designated cannabis smoking area right at the airport terminal like they have in Vancouver. And like, come on, it’s Vegas…of all the places that should be able to pull something like that off in the USA, you’d think it would be Vegas.