• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • He gave me one last tip. If I ever want to have a career in a management role, like CTO in the future, I must emphasize more on “taking credits” from the beginning of my career. He said being humble or modest is overrated and it would not do me any good for my career.

    I don’t really know if any of this is true, or what the context is. Maybe this is how it is in American Corporate culture, but it’s not really how I experienced it.

    If you’re a beginner programmer, sure, you can brag about how cool your code is, and how much you’ve build. But if at some point you become a lead developer and you’re still doing that, it seems kinda toxic.

    As lead developer in the standup or reports I’d usually downplay what I did - like instead of saying “I build this cool new feature” - present it as “The backend team build this cool new feature”. If someone else build something cool, I would specific say something like “Bob build a really cool feature”

    I must emphasize more on “taking credits” from the beginning of my career. He said being humble or modest is overrated and it would not do me any good for my career.

    A good Team Lead or CTO needs a good team, and the team usually appreciates it a lot more if you’re spreading the credits around instead of taking them for yourself.

    Besides that, a random developer in a big company is very unlikely to just become the CTO by not being humble. If you want to become a CTO, you either join a startup or start your own company

  • I don’t know if this is a relatively “new” computing paradigm, though if you compare it to the pre-2010 area, its pretty much the standard for bigger applications. And I think it’s very much tied in with the Move to Cloud Computing paradigm.

    In the good old days everyone just had their own servers running somewhere, so what are you going to do when its super busy on your platform? Add a new server for a couple of days? If you have a new server anyways, you’d just permanently add it to the network.

    With cloud computing, as you mentioned, there’s Service orchestration like kubernetes, auto-scaling of bare-metal machines, and Serverless Applications that just keep track of usage and allow you to very easily temporary add more power based on demand, and upscale your infra for the time that it’s needed.

    If you start getting into paradigms like that, you might end up with 100s of services running at the same time (multiple copies of the same services for load balancing, or edge-locationing etc) - Then you also don’t want to put cross-cutting like logging and analytics hard-coded in every service like you’d potentially do in a monolith. And you need those kinda metrics to see that everything is still running healthy, and to automatically kill unhealthy services to replace them with new ones, etc

  • Cool, how much of your 25 years was to “write test automation to test the front end” full time?

    This guy is in his 3th job after 6 years - so job-hopping every 2 years (as per the current programmer-job-meta. - ) trying to find the right job that fits him - but obviously he hopped into a disaster of a job. Its a personal anecdote of his experience so far.

    If you have 25+ years of experience, but you can’t relate at all to what he’s experiencing, then this guy already has more experience than you do

  • Yea, I kept my original comment language-agnostic (Just referring to it as y language) - but added the extra wink to Rust because generally they seem to be the highest offenders.

    I have years of experience in loads of languages: PHP, Ruby, Java, Python, C#, C++, Rust - And that’s probably how I’d order the level of elitism. PHP Devs know everything they’re doing is shit - Python should probably be next in ranking of how shit they are, but they’re not self-aware enough - (Sarcastic elitism aside here - )

    Anyways, besides that - at the end of the elitism-spectrum there seems to be Rust. Someone like me says something about Rust in a general unrelated-to-Rust thread like this - and a Rust enthusiast sees it, and it would just devolve into a dumbass back-end-forth about how good Rust is

  • Could you elaborate in what context and to what extend? I can agree that bigger companies with large user-bases should have a focus on accessibility and internationalization -

    But generally a lot of projects start with just one dev solving a problem they have themselves and make their solution Open-Source. Anecdotally, I’m dumping my solutions on Github that are already barely accessible to anyone somewhat tech-illiterate. No one is paying me anything for it. Why would I care whether it’s accessible or internationalized for non-English speakers?

  • Yea true, if people can vote on something, other people will use those votes as metrics for how good something is

    My perspective was more about what they actually do. Not the meta-effects they might have socially

    Eventually, you will be able to turn a repository with a high star count into money or advancement

    I think you overestimate how much money or advancements you can really get from it though.

    Money wise - I can’t find an overview of “Most Sponsored github repos” - but it’s pretty bare. I checked to see if I could find any example, for example if you look at FluentAssertions - A project that basically everyone uses, has 292.6 Million total downloads on Nuget. If you check their sponsers - they currently have 17. Assuming their the lowest tier, you’re getting $85 a month. Which is cool, I guess, but a neglectable amount for a developer with a normal job

    And advancements wise - any actually good developer doesn’t really have a problem getting a good job - And any good company reviewing a candidate might fool the HR by buying stars, but a dev reviewer or something will actually look though the code won’t care much about stars

  • Stars don’t really do that much, people mostly use it to “favorite” your repo. Or just a general “Upvote” or something

    I have a repo with about 1.4k stars, so what it gives you:

    • The Starstruck badge in your profile with different tiers at 16/128/512/4096 stars
    • Visibility in search: When you search for something in Github, it takes into account the amount of stars something has

    Not sure if that affects other searches, like google

    Even more stars (apparently like 5k+ or more) gives you

    • Github Copilot is free if you’re a “maintainer of a popular open source project”

  • My wife crochets and I’ve got to admit to being jealous that she has a physical object when she’s done.

    It sounds like you don’t really have an outlet to create artsy or physical stuff, but as a programmer there’s plenty of stuff you can do…

    For example, I’ve turned my entire house into a “Smart Home” - My house has smart lights that can be turned on be wifi, and my doors and rooms have motion censors that I’ve all programmed to work together, and turn things on an off when I’m walking around. You’re programming a bunch of physical IoT things to work together, and the end-result when everything runs smoothly is pretty cool

    Also I recently got a 3d printer (where maintaining that is a hobby in of itself) - as a programmer you can create a lot of cool stuff with that. Like there are scripts to play with to generate a Sierpiński triangle[1][2] - work on that, physically print that, and see the results as a physical object.

    As a programmer you have plenty of skills to start creating random physical stuff. Even if it’s not for your work, just pick it up as a hobby. Like I don’t think your wife is a professional crochetter - so what’s stopping you from crochetter or painting or sculpting or whatever

  • What we have is machine learning, just an algorithm that takes input and gives you output. It can’t act on its own.

    Isn’t that basically what “real learning” is as well? Basically you’re born as a baby, and you take input, and eventually you can replicate it, and eventually you can “talk” for example?

    But in the training data something was off, suddenly your AI is racist and gives every black person a lesser amount.

    Same here, how is that different from “real learning”? You’re born into a racist family, in a racist village where everyone is racist. What is the end-result; you’re probably somewhat racist due to racist input - until you might unlearn that, if you’re exposed to other data that proves your racist ideas were wrong

    If a human brain is basically a big learning computer, why wouldn’t AI eventually reach singularity and emulate a brain and beyond? All the examples you mentioned of what it can’t do, is just stuff it can’t do yet

  • Don’t think the size really matters… an IP is 4 bytes, and the port another byte, plus lets say 4 bytes for the UserId. So with some overhead, you can practically put about 100k addresses in 1 MB.

    With that many addresses, you should probably be more concerned about the lookup than the storage. I’d probably put then in a Dictionary[UserId, SocketData].

    Websockets don’t usually stay alive for long periods, so there’s not much point of storing them in a database. Unless you’re building something serverless, but then I wouldn’t build something myself, but just use Firebase Cloud Messaging instead