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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Several years ago my family and I went to an improve murder mystery dinner theater, and my family being the goofballs they are decided to cheer for the bumbling idiot character anytime he accomplished anything, regardless of how menial. So as the night went on the bumbling idiot character would start to cheer for himself followed by all of us, and eventually the whole crowd anytime he did anything.

    So now if anyone in my family does something super menial but it was still a big task because circumstances, like mowing the lawn after a long hard day at work, we cheer “Yay, Eric!!!” After the name of the bumbling idiot, from an improve murder mystery dinner theater performance, from 12 years ago.

    1. You tap or click on don’t play this on either the the hamburger menu in the app or the right click menu on the computer.
    2. Shuffle doesn’t actually shuffle. It prioritizes songs based on listening habits, and licensing fees. They did a major update in 2022 to address the issues of it playing the same artist back to back, and I noticed a stark improvement, I actually can use shuffle now.
    3. The 320 kbps OGG, or AAC standards that Spotify supports are, outside of critical listening environments, indistinguishable from lossless audio. The only way you are going to hear a difference is with some very high end gear, and a very well trained ear. For reference Tidal themselves don’t stream with lossless audio. They stream with MQA, a very good, near lossless high quality compression algorithm, good enough to be called master quality authenticated, but still compressed, and the version Tidal uses is limited to the 16 bit version not the 24 bit version. Is Tidal Higher quality? Technically. Noticeable? Not without machines and measurement tools.

    For reference I tune studios and PA systems for a living. I know how much peoples ears lie to them. Enjoy what you want to enjoy, because at the end of the day we listen to music for enjoyment. But the only technical win Tidal has is they pay artists more.