Hi, I’m Shauna! I’m a 37 year old transgender woman from Ontario, Canada. I’m also a Linux enthusiast, and a Web Developer by trade. Huge Star Trek fan, huge Soulsborne fan, and all-around huge nerd.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Ugh yeah, FF7 when Aeris is killed by Sephiroth. And the scene where Cloud carries her into the water… I was bawling. Afterwards I think I just sat there dumbfounded, staring at the empty spot in my party until after like 5 minutes I turned off the game cause I needed a break to mourn. I know the graphics don’t really hold up these days, but it was all to real to me as a child and it was one of my first experiences with death even though it was just a video game character.

  • Okay, I chose the wrong word, but it’s semantics, I’m pretty sure you know what I mean by the word “productivity”. There are already plenty of countries where there are jobs going unfilled for months or even years. Teams stretched thin and expected to do the same amount of work as 2 or even 3 people would have done in the past, and it’s only going to get worse if immigration is limited because developed countries currently depend on immigration to fill the gaps.

    You’re right that it’s totally unsustainable to depend on immigration to fill gaps in your labour pool. The hope many governments seem to be hinging on is that this crisis will rectify itself as the bloated elderly population of the pyramid starts to die off. There definitely needs to be systemic change, but that takes time. In the short term, there are plenty of immigrants that can fill those roles and keep your country’s economy strong in the short term. Countries that fail to recognize that are going to have a rough time.

    Of course there are plenty of other reasons that immigration should be accepted. I just figure conservatives are really the only ones who oppose it and they tend to think in terms of the bottom line and their own selfish interests, so I thought I would frame it in a way that would appeal to them.