• 69 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • … The Vatican said on Monday in a landmark ruling approved by Pope Francis that Roman Catholic priests can administer blessings to same-sex couples as long as they are not part of regular Church rituals or liturgies.

    … A document from the Vatican’s doctrinal office said such blessings would not legitimise irregular situations but be a sign that God welcomes all…

    …It should in no way be confused with the sacrament of heterosexual marriage…

    This is gaywashing at best, but it still sounds like blatant homophobia.

  • Except the device is already in your home, and most people leave their account logged in.

    People buy products to serve a purpose to themselves and their family, so yes, the device is in their home FOR THEIR USE.

    Being logged in isn’t an open invitation to be spied, so laws need to address that.

    That’s basically like you inviting someone into your house, they hang out in your spare bedroom…and they’re still there.

    The invite, in this case, is not for a company to spy on you and your family. I don’t think anyone would actually want that, especially not for the purpose of targeting them with ads.

    People use voice activated devices, which do record and react to voice prompt, but the permission here is given only for that use. A company shouldn’t be able to say “hey, you can use the service you’ve paid for, and by agreeing to use that service, you also agree to give us permission to digitally invade your home and privacy.”

    I just don’t see how a proper law/regulation would fix/restrict this, except to make certain personalization attempts (targeted ads) illegal.

    Yes, make it illegal. And make everything opt-in without strings attached (i.e. if you agree to use the service you paid for, you agree to being spied on).

    I will personally continue to use my wallet to yield power. I won’t buy devices or support companies who are evil, and will support companies who respect privacy and data freedom. The whole enshitification of the digital landscape is incredibly sad to see, TBH.

  • The thing about carcinogenic compounds, which are also toxins, is it’s entirely about dosage.

    Agreed. The scientific consensus is that there is no safe lower limit for alcohol.

    The human body can handle a lot more ethanol than pesticides…

    To clarify, synthetic pesticides are quite harmful to humans and animals. Biopesticides, found naturally in many plant species, are quite safe by comparison. And plants containing natural toxins (i.e. fiddleheads, red kidney beans, stone fruits, etc.) are quite safe to consume when properly prepared.

    Indeed, you are still benefiting from the consumption of those fruits and vegetables.

    If you can, stay away from man-made pesticides in all food sources.

    My point was that going with organic wine (to not have as many pesticides) won’t stop wine from being harmful at any dose.

    Basically, cancer from ethanol consumption shouldn’t be much of a concern.

    Well… I’m sure nobody agrees with that. Alcohol consumption is a leading preventable cause of cancer death in U.S, with that study concluding that “there is no safe threshold for alcohol and cancer risk.”.

  • Both are obviously bad for you, but if you’re stacking carcinogens and other health concerns, eventually you’ll reach someone’s breaking point.

    I agree that that happens, and I think it’s crazy that some people will actually double-down on their use when faced with that reality.

    Why even have a “breaking point” for something so totally unnecessary to your happiness and future? Are people so hooked in harmful substances that they simply can’t find a less destructive alternative?

    I just don’t get why people hate good health so much.

    I don’t think anyone is claiming alcohol is healthy

    Unfortunately, for quite some time, people claimed that wine was healthy because of the antioxidants it contains. That is, until actual science put a “hell no!” to that theory. It turns out that poison, no matter how many antioxidants it has, is still poison.