• 20 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: December 29th, 2022


  • I hate this rag so much, it is the epitome of liberalism. These people love to get on their ivory tower, call out Bibi and his goons, and on rare occasions they even dare to criticize the occupation or portray Palestinians as human beings. But at the end of the day they are nothing but liberal zionists (which is considered leftist in the distorted overton window of the zionist regime) and so they favor the status quo of “Israeli democracy” above all else.

  • I hate to sound like an attention seeker, but things have been real shitty for me mentally recently. I was feeling pretty jaded and depressed already for a while now, but since the escalation in Palestine my mental health has been going downhill really fast. What was happening in Palestine was bad enough as it is, but now the zionists are turning their criminal aggression up to 11 and the whole world is cheering on them.

    I hardly talk to anyone now other than my gf and my coworkers pretty much. I don’t know how I will be able to cope with this whole situation.

  • Yeah I also don’t understand what’s wrong with CPUSA’s statement, they rightly put the blame on Israeli apartheid and settler terror.

    Maki and Hadash are explicitly anti-zionist and many of the '48 Palestinians identify with them and vote for them. I figured if the '48 Palestinians consider them representative of their interests then they are legitimate.