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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Wouldn’t surprise me. Though at the moment I’m a little more concerned about the antisemitism in my own country.

    It seems that the “it’s ok to criticize Israel” doctrine just handed out free dog whistles to anti-semites. They just did a find and replace on their conspiracy theories to sub out “the Jews” for “Israel” and apparently a lot of people think it’s “ok” now. While not all criticism of Israel is anti-semitism, some of it is.

    Obama is correct. People need to take a little time to stop and think. It’s not a bad thing to think before pushing insane narratives on the internet.

  • To be able to indoctrinate a thousand people into being capable of the atrocities committed on October 7, you have to teach people from a very young age that the enemy is not human, but demons and that no form a violence is unacceptable to use against them. Hamas has been the government of Gaza (and therefore in control of the schools) for enough time to indoctrinate children from a very young age all the way up to adulthood.

    If you’re looking for comparisons to Nazis, maybe consider applying some of those comparisons to the group whose goal is to kill Jews. Internet contrarianism is fun and all, but this has gotten out of hand.

  • Well there are 240 hostages that are held captive in an underground lair by some psychopaths. The PM of Israel may not want to keep those people there any longer than necessary.

    Perhaps Hamas should release the hostages so there’s no longer a reason for Israel to deny calls for a ceasefire?

    Odd that no one is calling on Hamas to do this, isn’t it? It’s almost like everyone knows Hamas is evil and will continue to keep those people imprisoned. But if we’re demanding Israel to do things we know they won’t do, why not also demand Hamas to do things we know they won’t do?

  • Yeah it would help the image of Palestinians have they could take a pause from hating Israel and condemn Hamas for these acts. But unfortunately I don’t see that happening. I just see people attempting to justify the actions of Hamas by mindlessly saying “Israel Bad” over and over again.

    I get that y’all are conditioned to say “Israel bad” anytime it’s mentioned (and sometimes when it isn’t). But you’re not exactly helping your cause by doing this immediately after terrorists commit horrific acts against Israelis. Kind makes you seem sympathetic to the terrorists.

    What I’d like to see is Palestinians condemning Hamas and distancing themselves from the group. Just doesn’t seem to be happening though. What conclusion do you think people are going to draw from the fact this doesn’t seem to be happening? I’m seeing people so blinded by their hatred of Israel that they’re incapable of any kind of empathy for the victims of a terrorist attack.

  • You can go ahead and use words wrong and continue using words wrong and I’ll continue to think you’re an idiot.

    Do you have a special word for brutally murdering an innocent woman, stripping down her corpse, parading her dead body through the streets? What word can you come up with that will make this action acceptable?

    Look at the video again. These are the guys you’re carrying water for. Do you want these things to continue? Is that why you support these barbarians? Why can’t you simply condemn Hamas as the evil fascist monsters they are?

  • From your logic, nothing is fascism. The Nazis were the Nationalist Socialist party, therefore communist therefore not fascist! If the Nazis called themselves the Christian Nationalist Socialist Party would that make them a theocratic movement? Do you think North Korea is a democracy because they call themselves the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea? Do you always believe all authoritarians everywhere all the time?

    Fascists lie. I mean they’re willing to murder people in the millions, why would you think lying would be a bridge too far for them?

    You don’t know a fascist by what they claim to be. You know them from their actions and the emotional manipulations they use. These guys are all blood and soil in their own manifesto.

    When you’re the king you don’t have to call yourself the king. When you’re a religious movement you don’t have to demand people to consider you to be a religious movement. Hamas declaring that their blood and soil narrative is a religious conflict gives away the game. They wouldn’t need to make such demands if their politcal intentions were implicitly religious.

    Totally circular reasoning!

    Circular reasoning is when I ask for a reasonable plan for Hamas’ future that wasn’t propaganda and you provide me with propaganda directly from Hamas. I point out that fascist narrative even in their own propaganda documents and you declare it circular reasoning because I’m repeating the fact that fascists lie. Even your “proof” that Hamas isn’t fascist is dripping with well worn fascist narratives.

    And so we’re back to the point of the circle where you’re again just saying “YOU’RE WRONG WHY DON’T YOU JUST ADMIT IT!”

  • Are you too young to remember 2001-2005? Westerners were all open and talking about how we need to nuke the middle east off the planet and how all Muslims need to be rounded up and slaughtered.

    Were those people your role models, so now you’re trying to emulate their behaviour?

    You can’t simultaneously declare what those people did was wrong but when you do worse than that you’re on the side of right. Logic just doesn’t work that way. Either they’re wrong AND you’re wrong or they’re right AND you’re right.

    So which is it? Are both you and those people right, or are both you and those people wrong?

    Also note there’s a difference between talking shit and actually parading the corpse of an innocent woman through the streets. If you think these are the same thing then you really need to go outside and touch grass.

  • You should learn the difference between apartheid and an occupation. Using the wrong terms doesn’t make your argument carry more weight, it just makes you sound like an idiot.

    The difference between a war and the type of fascist barbarity that Hamas is putting on display is that a war has an objective. When the objective is achieved the violence ends. With fascists like Hamas the barbarity is the objective. The kid you see in the video spitting on the corpse is a future recruit for Hamas. The kid learned this level of depraved violence is normal and right. When that kid is old enough to be a “freedom fighter” who in that Palestinian town will dare oppose Hamas knowing that their members have been indoctrinated from a young age to devalue life to this degree?

    Israel’s goal is to be safe from Palestinian rocket attacks. The settlement strategy is literally from the Machiavelli’s writing. I don’t agree with it, it’s very medieval kind of thinking. But there is an ultimate goal of peace, albeit by horrible means.

    The depravity you see in the video is the goal of Hamas. Maintain genocidal fervor, maintain power.

  • So you’re saying wanting to obliterate Jews is evidence they are not fascist?

    Do you always take fascists at their word? Do you think charters and constitutions are always 100% the true intentions of the writers?

    And even the excerpts you compiled have fascist rhetoric all over the place.

    There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.

    Call to violent fervor. But the kind that sounds vaguely religious!

    renouncing any part of Palestine means renouncing part of the religion [of Islam]

    They’re demanding people to consider their political cause to be a religious cause. Not even being subtle about it. “We declare that blood and soil is a religious thing!”

    To put it simply, they want a Israel to be a Muslim caliphate.

    Again how are they going to actually accomplish this? How is Hamas going to actually going to overpower the IDF? Do you think that’s an actual real possibility?

    Since Hamas isn’t actually capable of doing this everything they claim they want for a future government is pure fantasy and just propaganda designed to help recruitment. They can offer everyone unicorns, blow jobs, and endless lines of coke once Israel is defeated. Whatever brings in recruits.

    The governing body is the Majlis al-Shura

    You mean that bullshit that allows the Hamas leadership to live large off of donations from bitter Arab billionaires outside of Palestine, safe from any risk from the IDF while their people get killed when the IDF retaliates against their rocket attacks? Form hierarchical power structures is a fascist thing too. And which of Majlis al-Shura, General Consultative Council, and Politburo are religious in nature? Ah yes the great Politburo, that’s keeping in accordance with the Islamic traditions!

    Basically it’s just all blood and soil shit, with a heaping helping of we will go back to Islamic tradition (someday! ;)) but first die for us in our never ending conflict with those evil people over there! Because Islam and stuff, yo.

    They’re not quoting religious texts, not mentioning any religious sites. Not giving any religious justification for what they’re doing. They’re just saying “this is a religious struggle because we said so!”

    And I can’t stress this enough, these are the words of fascists, you can’t swallow the things they say as if they’re dealing with people truthfully. Like all fascists they give lip service to religion to legitimize their power.