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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • when there’s not a recognised disability involved but just health issue/s (which could be “disabling”).

    From the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, in regards to the ADA:

    Under the ADA , you have a disability if you have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity.

    Essentially, if you are disabled, you have a disability, whether recognized or not. If you are not disabled, then you do not have a disability.

    Under this definition, something like asthma, which is fairly common, can be a disability when it comes to strenuous activities, but isn’t something that is immediately obvious to someone just passing on the street.

    As far as it being ablist to assume that someone not showing signs of disability isn’t disabled? No, that’s silly. Not believing them if they tell you they can’t run a mile because they have asthma? Still no, that’s skepticism.

    Ablism would be something like planning a company outing, and choosing the location up a tall, steep hill when other options were available, specifically because you don’t like the fact that your coworker has asthma.

  • The official answer is that you cannot promote a pawn to a king, so this situation would never arise. However, this is Anarchy Chess, so let’s set that aside.

    If this situation did happen, and it is Black’s turn, it is not checkmate, because Black’s bishop takes the queen. It could not be White’s turn, because there is no way to arrive at this board state on Black’s turn without one or both kings being in check at the beginning of the turn, and so Black’s move would have needed to remove their king from check.

    Therefore, this board state is not checkmate.

  • For SSD’s, it’s 100% a logical table, because data is stored all over the place for load balancing purposes, so it already uses a logical table to keep track of what each block is for at any given point in time.

    For HDD’s, historically they were physically separated, and they mostly are still, but there’s still a logical table, and there’s no reason the logical table can’t say “Blocks 0 through 1234 and 2000 are part of partition 1” if you have something somewhere else that you want on that partition.

  • From the other side: I’m pro-union, but at my workplace I’m management.

    One of the guys on my crew is terrible at his job. Just awful. Everyone hates working with him, he doesn’t get anything done on time, he’s either stupid or willfully ignorant, the list goes on and on.

    The union, however, has negotiated that I can’t action for productivity. It literally doesn’t matter how badly he does his job, as long as he’s in his spot and something is happening, I can’t do anything. On top of that, this guy has seniority over most of the other guys on the crew, so I can’t even give him less hours without cutting the people who actually get shit done.

    It’s incredibly frustrating, and the only thing I can do is watch his attendance like a hawk in the hopes I can get rid of him for being late one too many times.