SunriseParabellum [he/him]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 30th, 2023


  • Okay, I’m gonna be the bad guy here and use this post to say something I’ve been wanting to say: I think a lot of online leftists are a bit too optimistic about how much socialism will fix interpersonal problems.

    Oh don’t get me wrong, I’m sure abolishing capitalism will be an overall net positive for humans mental health. But I see a lot of people here assume that they’d have totally awesome social and love lives if it weren’t for capitalism still being a thing and I can’t help but roll my eyes a bit, it strike me a bit like incel logic, or basement dwelling AnCaps who think they’d totally be John Galts of industry if it weren’t for taxes.

    Again, socialism would likely help, but you can still be an awkward and/or maladjusted weirdo who can’t talk to girls under socialism. I’d rather be a friendless weirdo in a society where I also don’t have to deal with the stresses of looming poverty over my head, and yeah maybe I’d have an easier time making friends if I had more time off and lived in a city with better PT. But I think a lot of the bullshit that makes me an anti-social dork wouldn’t be automatically improved by me living in a dictatorship of the proletariat.

    As for dating and romance, again capitalism sure ain’t helping, but I also think there’s a lot less material incentive to get in a relationship these days and as a result a lot of people are finding they’re happier single and independent than in a mediocre relationship. The boomer phenomenon of married couples who fucking hate each other but stay together out of fear of “being alone” inspired a lot of younger people to try and learn how to be okay with being alone so they wouldn’t end up finding boomer “I hate my wife” comedy funny. Again maybe socialism would make it easier for people to network and find relationships that actually work for them, but I think some of it is also just an evolution of how humans feel about family building and cohabitation.