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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • A singleplayer open-world sandbox RPG in the vein of Skyrim, but you have powerful abilities on cooldowns like in MOBAs/Overwatch, command troops like in Mount & Blade/Blood of Steel/Conqueror’s Blade, and can go around conquering cities/developing your own nation culturally/socially/technologically/economically/etc. like Civilization but more open-ended where you can do things like decide actual religious doctrine and encourage specific aesthetics/music/social norms.

    Obviously, though, such a game is incredibly ambitious and I don’t think it’ll ever be made, as it takes the most unique and hardest-to-make parts of several other games and then combines them. Still, I’d love to play it.

    1. The video’s comment section on its native site is… interesting.
    2. I don’t trust this guy. It feels like he’s just slinging things at the wall that most people could intuit without any research. Yes, sometimes things backfire when you try to stifle them. Sometimes, however, the stifling works (otherwise dictators would have a much harder time ruling). That’s just the way things go.
    3. I’ma need some actual data to back up Youtube’s anti-adblocker experiment succeeding/failing. People are so quick to jump on the ‘it failed’ or ‘it succeeded’ bandwagon but the truth is we simply don’t know the result yet, and may not for a long while.
    4. This could’ve been an email. This guy’s delivery is sprawling and lacks conciseness.

  • Youtube had a space devoid of competition. The next guy doesn’t. If the next guy wants to compete, they have to have all the features of Youtube or people will complain. Many of Youtube’s current features cost money and weren’t present when Youtube started.

    The space is also more regulated now that Youtube exists, meaning the new guy has to follow regulations which normally costs money. When Youtube started, those regulations didn’t exist, because Youtube didn’t exist.

    Youtube got big by building a city in an open field surrounded by nothing but open fields. The next guy has to build a city directly next to Youtube, follow all the same laws as Youtube, and ask you not to drive into Youtube.

  • Warframe

    Skyrim (Okay, maybe the Modding Community of Skyrim, really)

    A Narrative Game (Okay, so, there’s a number of games with narratives that have managed to make me really feel and really think. Whereas Skyrim and Warframe are easy to decide upon because I love Warframe’s gameplay and Skyrim’s modding, there’s no shortage of narrative games that have impacted me in a way that makes them all irreplaceable and as equally ‘top’ in my own mind. Undertale, Persona 4, Bastion, very recently there was Slay the Princess… I cannot possibly say any is above the other.)

  • Noita, the best game I can never recommend because of just how crazily deadly it is unless you know exactly what you’re doing and happen to get the right perks early on. I can’t say a roguelike where your 12-actual-hours-of-playing session ends with nothing to show for it just because you accidentally zapped the wrong thing out of frame that you couldn’t have known was there is well-designed as a game, especially when exploration/experimentation’s main reward is death. It’s a very good sandbox, though.

    I also got back into Risk of Rain 2. First time playing the new DLC, and I very easily managed to finish off the new content. Honestly, a bit disappointed as my favorite part of RoR2 was the unlockable items/achievement hunting and the DLC had really none of that outside of unlocking a new character and unlocking the alternative abilities for a pre-unlocked character.

    Satisfactory is something I’ve been playing on and off. I definitely prefer Factorio’s sense of danger over Satisfactory’s chill, but it’s still fun and has its own things going on. The more permanent bases and the fact the game is 3D makes for more fun, but I hope one day either a DLC or a mod will introduce base defense somehow.

    I just finished off every achievement on Steam in Brotato. It was a fun, simple roguelike, took me a bit to grind through it. I might return to it someday, but for now it can rest.

  • There’s a difference between offering choices, and taking them away. All the things I mentioned take away choices, choices you would’ve had before. A game can have rules and limits, but when those rules and limits change you have to be very careful, especially when they’re narrowing down and removing choice.

  • The_Vampire@lemmy.worldtoGames@lemmy.worldGaming hot takes?
    1 year ago

    Knockdowns/stuns/silences/freezes on the player, and immunities that enemies have, are bad game design because they all have the same issue: they remove player choice.

    The issue with knockdowns/stuns/freezes is that they remove the player’s ability to do anything, at least how they work in most games. They make you take a timeout, essentially, and that’s very unfun for the player. Essentially, it’s removing your choice of what to do in the moment. You can’t react, you can’t flee, you can’t fight, you just get to sit and wait or maybe press a button repeatedly just to wait a bit less. It is terrible game design that is wholly uninteresting, and it needs to be telegraphed nearly as hard as an instant-death move to be anything other than completely bad.

    Silences do much the same thing in that they limit the player’s ability to react and use their cool tools you just gave them. It’s like handing a lumberjack a chainsaw and then saying “cool, now don’t use it”. It’s not as bad as a stun, but it’s pretty close.

    Immunities for enemies are similar in that they limit player choice. You wanted to use cool X thing? Too bad, you literally can’t win with that method. Resistances are fine (within reason, doing 1 damage is no different from 0 damage in a lot of games) because they allow a sufficiently-skilled player to still use a method they like (ideally), but immunities do nothing but kill build variety.