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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Unwavering support for whatever Israel wants has been status quo for the US for decades. There’s plenty of people who don’t like it, but the unfortunate truth is that we are too broken and divided to fix it right now.

    Trump is a literal existential threat to democracy. Assuming he becomes the republican nominee next year, our only chance of ever having a voice in US foreign policy in the future is through a second Biden term.

    No candidate will ever be perfect and no vote will ever be without moral baggage, but when you consider all of the issues together and look at what Trump has already said he would do if reelected, there’s really no other choice on the table anymore.

  • I guess it depends on what you’re using Mint for, but I’ve been getting a lot of use out of Empower (formerly Personal Capital) for tracking all my accounts in one place. No subscription or anything, just some pressure, sometimes including phone calls, to use their financial advisor services.

    I’ve had an account with Credit Karma for ages and I’m not sure what service they offer that would be comparable, but they were bought by Intuit a few years ago, so I’d find it hard to recommend them for much anymore.

  • This is the correct answer. All of the replies saying to use Firefox/support FOSS are missing the point. Once Google rolls this out and promotes it as higher security and guaranteed ad impressions, it will become the standard because all of the websites you want to use will opt in. It won’t do you much good to keep using Firefox when your bank, your employer/school, and every news/weather/sports site you try to use require a Google-verified, ad-displaying browser. It’s not our choice to make, and that’s the point of doing it this way.

    I’d go one cynical step further to say that once they have complete control over how pages are displayed on your end, they’ll roll out a subscription for ad-free* browsing, which will eventually include ads anyway a couple years down the road.