TrudeauCastroson [he/him]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2021


  • I guess Canada has enough Muslims and minorities who identify with Palestine that our state media has to both-sides the situation enough that people feel sympathetic for Palestinians.

    All the parties have the same conclusions on Ukraine though, because of Ukrainian diaspora we let in after WW2, seems we’re more unified on that than the US; being pro-peace instead of sending more weapons is way more taboo here.

    On Israel, realistically Canada has 0 say on the situation, this is one of the many things where we just defer to US foreign policy. The two parties that can realistically be elected are very pro-israel, the third socdem party’s representatives are pretty cucked into being pro-israel too (even if the members tend to be more pro-palestine than the others).

    But our prime minister paid lip service to providing humanitarian aid on both sides (whatever that’ll look like with Israel’s siege, and calling Hamas terrorists), and said Israel has the right to defend itself within the bounds of international law (a caveat America would never put on that statement).

    One of my coworkers came up to me and said “damn, I can’t believe they have that many people living in that small an area without much water or infrastructure”, even though I avoid talking about politics at work (other than pro-union stuff).

  • I welcome input on my comment from others who know more than me about internal workings of Ukraine and Russia. I might be a dumbass.

    Best case: Ceasefire starting right now so people stop getting killed, everyone keeps basically where they currently are, Ukraine no NATO and Russia stops occupying and lets the LPR and DPR self-direct.

    Worst Case: War drags on for a a while, either side fully captures all of Ukraine. If Ukraine somehow wins completely then we’re basically back to 2015 and nothing has been solved, counter-insurgency from the Pro-Russia people, and far right militias getting free reign to kidnap/torture anyone they deem ‘collaborators’. If Russia wins then there’s enough people in the Western Ukraine where there’s going to be counter-insurgency and terrorism funded by the US. If Stalin couldn’t denazify Ukraine, then I’m not sure what Putin would be able to do.

    Also concerning: all the debt Ukraine has from buying weapons, and all the shit they had to privatize. If their government exists they’re going to be an IMF colony, but that was happening slowly anyways if Russia didn’t invade. US does benefit because they sell natural gas, that’s why there’s many signs pointing to them helping Ukrainian Nationalists sabotage Nordstream (If they didn’t just do it themselves since it required diving experience according to Seymour Hirsch).

    I’m not sure what’s realistic since the day-to-day horse-race stuff seems to largely be bunk. Obviously Russia isn’t imminently collapsing, but it seems like their gains slowed down.

    Not sure how much longer countries in Europe will be willing to fund/support Ukraine, especially since no one really wanted to let them into NATO to begin with (Since Article 5 has only been used on Afghanistan after 911, and it’s not a given all members would abide by it when it comes to a real war instead of picking on farmers without a real military or a trading bloc). Also Ukraine drafting older and older doesn’t seem to bode well.

    Hopefully both sides run out of steam at similar rates and negotiate something.

  • This is probably good justice, but idk if it’s going to reduce drunk driving.

    It’s crazy to me that in America drunk driving (with no victims) isn’t a felony on its own. In Canada it’s their version of a felony and generally a way bigger deal. In America you seem to only have consequences when someone’s hurt.

    Crazy that MADD was able to lobby to get all states to have 21 as the legal drinking age but not able to lobby to make drunk driving a felony because it’s too ingrained into America since people like going to bars but don’t wanna pay for cabs and have no other transit options.