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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • He is directly and personally benefitting from the Israeli genocide of innocent Palestinians in Gaza. The huge contracts awarded to BP benefit his wife’s firm directly, so he is allowing it to happen. He can’t say the world is no utopia if he’s directly responsible for the bombing, the daft prick.

    The people destabilised there after Israel has bombed the everliving hell out of it, will probably look to move somewhere where there’s no war and their children (what’s left of them anyway) can at least grow to adulthood without being blown up.

    It’s human nature, to migrate from a disaster. In every single depiction of apocalypses and disasters in the media, people instinctively run for the border, taking all their belongings. Why not them? There are no wars in Europe. It makes total sense. I’d do the same every single time. If I’ve lost everything I own, it makes sense I have no money or documents to enter those countries legally. I’d have to seek asylum. It makes sense.

  • Yeah you’re right.

    That was me just letting my emotions for the game get the better of me. The best and only award it could have won is the Best Ongoing Game award, which it won at TGA.

    It’s good to see CDPR finally get back into gaming’s good graces and I’m sure they’ve learned their lesson as the public and critics were far, far more harsh for the release of Cyberpunk 2077, than they were for Witcher 3. Time will tell what state Witcher 4 and Cyberpunk 2077 II release in!

  • Why9@lemmy.worldtoGames@lemmy.worldIGN's Best PC Game of 2023
    7 months ago

    I’m not going to lie, I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun playing a shooter as I did playing Cyberpunk after the 2.0 patch and Phantom liberty DLC.

    It became one of my top games of all time, and despite having finished it and trying to force myself to play something else, I’m itching to redownload it so I can get back to night city.

    It took a while but I don’t think it should be excluded from the list just because of its original shortcomings. The game’s come a long way and it’s absolutely a contender for game of the year.

    BG3 is still the well deserved winner though

  • I see what you’re saying, but it’s unviable for much of the industry, and Apex seems to be a rare case where it found success despite the competition of overwatch, counter strike etc and despite being unknown (unlike valorant, which had significant brand recognition behind it).

    But it’s unviable. Large studios need to market their games early to recover development costs through pre purchases and get people excited enough to buy day 1 (and to convince investors that there is enough excitement behind the title).

    Small studios already do this - they don’t have brand recognition and therefore no money or need to market their games extensively (except on free platforms like Lemmy, Reddit etc), and hope their game somehow gets picked up by twitch and does well (e.g. Among Us). For many, many indie titles, their games die in obscurity, or get just enough attention to cover costs.

    In general, what you’re asking for is the following: Don’t tell the public anything. Build a game that’s good enough but has an unknown IP (so that people who are hunting for registered URLs or LinkedIn hires don’t spot anything that could hint at a game), and then release it suddenly, but be absolutely confident that it is genuinely fun, it’s watertight (free from major bugs) and chef’s kiss optimised so incredibly well, that it gets nothing but glowing reviews on day 1 and word of mouth alone, through Twitch and YouTube is enough to propel it into the mainstream and make it an instant hit.

    Or be Starfield lmao. If Bethesda is unable to do to Starfield what No Man’s Sky and Cyberpunk did, then there’s absolutely no confidence that Elder Scrolls 6 will be a good game.

  • Honestly? They should either abstain or vote for a third party.

    I’ll preface this by saying that I’m not a US citizen, so what I say below is NOT advice. It’s simply my thoughts to (almost) play devil’s advocate for the benefit of discussion!

    I’m well aware of the ‘cowardice’ of abstaining in this election. Yes, Trump has the potential to do harm to Muslims tomorrow, but Biden is harming them today. Trump currently hates Netenyahu, wants him impeached and disagrees with his actions in Gaza (yes it’s because of a petty reason but that’s Trump’s MO!)

    Biden is running again, and he is a self-proclaimed Zionist who supports Israel on a personal level, not only politically.

    As much as many others want to avoid a second Trump term, voting for Biden means you support him, and support his actions. There’s nothing in your vote that separates you from those who unequivocally agree with what he’s doing in Gaza. If Biden wins and then he continues to assist in genocide in Gaza, then that’s directly related to the democrat vote.

    If democrats know they’ll lose the election with Biden, they need to front another candidate fast. Failure to do so is accepting defeat.

  • It’s an important distinction but a valid one

    Yes, the key difference is that you’re choosing to watch ads of the genre that the show is based on, but it felt like this year we were rolling RNG for 4 hours and the best we got was monster Hunter Wilds, Light no Fire, Hellblade 2 and checks notes FOUR Fortnite ads?

    Many people felt bad that there was no Elden Ring DLC, no Titanfall, no Nintendo surprise even? Rockstar could have saved their trailer for TGA, but chose to have it on their own day. Absent were the plethora of AAA titles releasing 2024-2025. It felt like we rolled RNG for ads at actually want to see, and came away slightly disappointed?