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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • I think the main problem with the world of Horizon is that the most interesting event in their world has already happened.

    The story of Zero Dawn worked so well because it is the interwoven tale of a young woman who sets out to discover why she was cast out of her village at birth, and the almost archaeological unraveling of why the world is the way it is. When you finally piece together both the plot is almost already at it’s climax, and you are left with both the understanding of why it must be Aloy who stops the new threat to the world, and the motivation to do so.

    But that doesn’t work for a sequel. The format of Zero Dawn relies on exposition about the very nature of the world, that’s why the main quest has a bunch of missions that more or less boil down to walking around an old facility and listening to recordings.

    How are you going to translate that into a new sequel? Either you’ve got sequels planned already, which I find unlikely given what Forbidden West amounted to, or you need to try to invent more world building and plot. It seemed quite clear to me that Guerillas writers for Forbidden West didn’t know their own world as well as I had assumed they did. The “how did we get here” plot in Zero Dawn revolved around a small cast characters, who, with the exception of one, were all both very neuanced and strongly invested in their own plot. The Zeniths of Forbidden West come across almost as inverse Deus Ex Machina, characters who fly in from the moon with what seems like no other reason to mess up the plot than “We had to find something”.

  • which might or might not be a separate unit from the keyboard.

    Funny that you mention it. Synthesizers are very much a product of university research programs. Back in the 60’s and 70’s, when synthesizers as a concept was still new, there was heated debate between the pioneers of the field (Robert Moog in New York and Donald Buchla in Berkley, California) over whether or not synthesizers should even have a keyboard.

    The origin of the word “synthesizer” isn’t actually “synthetic”, as many believe, but rather synthesis, as in the academic sense of the word, from the idea of breaking a sound down into it’s individual parts and reassembling them.

  • Are you sticking to only softsynths / digital, or also going into analog?

    I ask because I have previously struggled with explaining why plugins and dsp stuff works the way it does (why is “saving my settings” called a patch?) without going into a long winded history lesson.

    Either way, super cool!

    I think I know a fair bit about both the history of synths and how they work, so if you need someone try bounce ideas off of don’t hesitate to write.

  • No, not it’s not. And not even just for the lulz of having access to porn.

    You wanna know why? For the same reasons that decriminalisation of drugs is has potential upsides, and for the same reasons why repression breeds kinks.

    People are going to try to get porn anyway. If you force young people (or people who can’t provide ID) to resort viewing porn illegally, then it is infinitely easier for them to go browsing for porn in places that will let them find really illegal porn.

    In other words, would you rather have your kids watching main stream porn, or would you like them to potentially end up on the dark web?

  • Level 9 Artillerist Artificer here, currently playing alongside a Bladesinger.

    He either walks out of combat completely unscathed or gets oneshot by something that doesn’t target his AC. Our “tank”, a warforged Barbarian, recently died, and the bladesinger has already been resurrected twice.

    My job in combat mainly consists of running around after him with my arcane protector out and spamming temp HP for him. I’ve considered asking our DM if I can switch subclasses to Armorer, in an attempt to fill the frontliner role more, but the main thing keeping me from bringing it up is having to see the look on his face when he realises that means our party will have two guys running around with 23+ AC.

  • Yes it is.

    The last Tribes game before this was Ascend, released over a decade ago.

    Polygon targets, textured sizes, shader technology and much else has evolved dramatically since then.

    You may reuse old assets as placeholders during development (but this can be problematic for the same reasons why temp music in filmmaking is problematic), but you absolutely do not have assets already made. Assets change over the course of development, often right up until release.

    I can’t speak to whether or not these assets are from Ascend or earlier, nor can I speak to the visual production quality Prophecy is capable of, but seeing shoddy looking visuals from a pre-alpha title is normal.

    Source: I am a trained game developer.