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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Some of these “Philosophical” points are flat out bullshit

    1. Homosexuality isn’t only present in human behavior and there are plenty of explanations, both on an evolutionary and behavioral standpoints, as to why. My favorite is the Gay Uncle Theory.

    2. Who gives a shit? Science is by definition politicized and also by definition it expells myths for obvious reasons

    3. Why? Substantiate that claim

    4. That is not what democracy is founded on. In democracy all men have equal rights and have the same power to vote and be elected. Even in the US when Locke wrote that people disagreed with it, mostly because they liked owning slaves.

    6-7 Substanciate that claim.

    1. Skill issue. You can just as easily disprove it with facts.

    2. Anyone is allowed to challenge and contribute to our understanding of the world. Just be prepared to have your claims be rigorously tested.

    3. Bullshit. It has been observed in natural populations since before we even understood it.