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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Ok well by that metric that are no leftists at all in the US, especially none in the political arena. Bernie might be the only leftist politician I have ever seen in the US, for example. As for vaush, I have listened to his youtube channel for a while and as yet Ive never heard him talk about child porn… but if he ever does I will drop him immediately

  • Im just going to put this out there, if you enable any criminal to commit more crimes, then you are culpable for the crimes he commits. The same goes for supporting any political candidate who commits crimes, you are supporting those crimes as well, including all past and present and future crimes.

    I have no problem with criminal who have paid their debt to society and are generally repentant of what they have done… so once donny has done his time and publicly repents for the crimes he committed, then I’ll be fine with him too and his supporters.