i type way too much about video games and sometimes music

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 18th, 2023


  • I mean, people could just make an announcements channel that allows public messaging, that’s not like a legal requirement of servers to make those restricted to posting, but they could totally make an announcement discussion channel, and even make a thread within the channel for each announcement post. Threads don’t actually disappear, I don’t believe, they go away from the immediate discord sidebar, but you can go to any channel and press the threads button at the top and see all previous threads intact.

    And replying to someone’s old message with context is totally possible. You can quote reply and @ them so they’re notified and they can also tap your quote message to be taken back to the original message, helping them to remember context.

    I don’t really see discord as best at being a social media overall, but it is a decent community platform. I think the fact that reading older content is extremely difficult is true, and sort of a symptom of Discord’s design, but that’s the only real con I can think of.

    And traditional forums don’t theoretically disappear, but pretty much all of the self hosted ones I used to frequent back in the day are dead and gone, unless you count the way back machine. Actually, I’m curious, is there any software that allows you to back up at least the text contents of a discord server?

  • When I learned poker playing Red Dead Redemption I copied the list of possible Texas hold em hands into a text file for reference. Each hand beats all of the ones below it. You pray that you get the right cards for something good, and hope your opponent doesn’t.

    Once you know the best hands it’s a matter of learning to predict what your hand might become as the pot goes on. Both the community cards (the river) and your personal hand can work together to make any of these hands. If you’re talking individual card face value it starts high at ace and ends low at 1. Here it is:

    Have the highest hand per round to win the pot.

    Royal Flush- You would need an Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and Ten in the same suit

    Straight Flush- A sequence of five cards in the same suit

    Four of a Kind- Four cards of the same value

    Full House- Three cards of the same value with a pair of cards.

    Flush- Five cards of the same suit

    Straight- A sequence of five cards

    Three of a Kind- Three cards of the same value

    Two Pair- Two sets of two cards of the same value

    One Pair- One set of two cards of the same value

    High Card- The highest card in your hand

    If you and your opponent have the same overall hand, the higher value wins, so with an ace pair and a 5 pair the ace pair wins.

  • I read all sorts of things from people all the time and can often overthink the results or have missed something else I could’ve read that would’ve created more context, but I wasn’t there to see, or perhaps, with time, I read and then forgot.

    Basically, I think you’d then need to go down another rabbit hole of figuring out how good Rob actually is at reading people before his testimony is really worth all that much, because while Bob could lie about his feelings, Rob could lie about how he’s interpreting Bob, dismantling the efficacy of his callout, and even if Rob were honest it wouldn’t really prove anything. Just that Rob doesn’t think Bob is being honest, so you’d just be arguing eternally until Bob somehow lets slip his mask, under the assumption he is actually lying, at which point you prove Bob is a liar who likes attention.

    But in the majority times that you’d be wrong, or you wouldn’t get the mask to slip, you’d just prove yourself an asshole, and would progressively lose friends/popular trust and credibility until arguing anyone’s true feelings wouldn’t be a truly valid option any longer, since no one would want to believe you, even if you were right due to being more often incorrect.

    Basically, if you wanted to spend your time/have some sort of hobby or job where you attempted to force people to be honest about things they might lie about for emotional, popular, or financial reward, you’d have to go about it in a non confrontational investigative way, because you’d otherwise destroy your own opinion’s worth or career long before it would get the public to change beliefs.

    So you could argue claims of suffering, but there’d only be two reasons to do so, to be a dick, or to prove they were lying for their own gain, and the first isn’t worth discussing, while the second is better served through less direct means.