злой русский

  • 16 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • It was like that in Russia before big federal companies took over that business. A wild west where companies actually competed with each other, even by providing their own forums, filesharing services, torrent trackers and pirated WoW\CS servers - with unlimited traffic when it was paid-per-MB and with better speeds\ping when it became unlimited. It didn’t cost much nor for them, nor for clients, and they were very responsive if there’s some problem with connectivity. It actually created some sort of a community around ISPs where people could cooperate locally around their issues.

    I don’t want to sound like an ancap, or an annoying free market fan, but it served people way better than monopolization. And knowing how it all ended, having a small local company eyeing your traffic is probably better than having feds farming it in a centralized fashion - that’s probably the reason, since some things never left local servers at that time (sus), and it happened right at the time of big riots. Some ISPs I know were bought out in the same year.

    Having it said, even though in America it was probably just greed leading to that situation, big companies should be dismantled and localized to start to care about their clients. It means better service (they depend on ya), better privacy, probably better prices since they can’t use you to strong-arm into another area with price dumping shouldered by your bills or just charge you whatever they want. Same shit recently happened with gig economy apps everywhere. If the state has one job, it’s to hold down that bullshit of exponential growth. But just like with Anakin-Padme meme I’m having an impression there’re not many places where representatives actually represent people, not corps. And I’m happy for some countries not falling for it, at least not at all times.


  • I’m only surprised I don’t have 50%+ on controller vs m+kb. Idk if steam got it wrong, but I’m sure I havent used them for more than a half of my time. Although I wasn’t any inspired fot a gamepad gaming coming from competitive shooters, it feels so right with racing games, fightings and rpgs I’m enjoying rn.

    Pretty happy to have 80% on Linux tho. After all these terrible stories of how games don’t work there, it’s a wonder that all I wanted, licensed or pirated, worked out of the box with only minor exclusions. If not for Adobe bastards, there’s no need to have Windows even as a virtual or dual-boot platform. And even them can be replaced with tools like Krita.

    If it’s not the year of a Linux desktop, I’m sure 2025 would be.

  • Australia, Canada, France and the United Kingdom are among the nations that have called out the violence, demanding Israel take “immediate and concrete steps” to tackle it.

    “We strongly condemn the violent acts committed by extremist settlers, which are terrorising Palestinian communities,” the statement shared by Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) said.

    Condemn stronger, motherfuckers.

    Israelis now feel like they have a free pass to kill as many palestinians as they want, while Hamas leaders freely flying around the muslim world like they aren’t responsible for so many deaths, of jews and of their own. While Netanyahu and his cabinet are pretty comfy accepting measures to kill another thousand of gazans.

    Wtf is that? It’s great you condemn their actions, but before you’d act in any way, there would be several thousands of poor palestinians who happened to be born there being unable to salute your decision. Because they are dead, like really dead, cold and burried under buildings IDF bombed.

    It’s cool you came to condemn such things, but it won’t help many people who lost their homes, lives. That needs more effort. Like demanding a ceasefire. Before that, it’s just words and political gestures ammounting to nothing.

  • Thanks, friend. These simple words lit up my day.

    I feel right to feel these guilt and pain though. I’m actually pleased to expirience them. Having them means there’s something left to my humanity, something is still there, shining in my rotten corpse. The nerve response that is lacking in my many countrymen. A bell whose ring tells me I’m still human and I still have empathy. That signal isn’t pretty, yet it’s welcome in our trying times.

    If I’m allowed to, I’d beg you to spend your sympathy towards me on my ukrainian homies. Years ago I had a gaming group that included persons from all ex-USSR. And I haven’t heard from ukraininan dudes and gals in a while. Guess, they could’ve left our VK network altogether since this war happened, and it’s right for them to do so because it’s shit, but I’m still worried if they are alright, if they got caught in this conflict. If you are a faithful person, please put a candle on my behalf for their safety in your church or mosque of choice. If you aren’t, just like me, well, you can listen to a story of Nestor Makhno, that one based ukrainian anarchist who kept the free state there for a while: https://youtu.be/dqD9VZuGBJw?si=sDs4sDYsMDX0fs4p He’s an image to respect, and to replicate, and a great piece of our history that kremlin bitches want to erase. Just knowing it, you deny them easy win (:

  • With all arguments I had not ending up with me behind the bars lol, I guess everyone’s tired. Even those psychoes who want to eradicate the whole ukrainian nation are sure that it drags for too long and talking heads are doing it wrong, that’s not how the genocide should be done in their opinion 🤷

    If there could’ve been a vote to conservate the current frontline, I guess 95% would be for it. But it’s not how it works, because Russia already claimed 4 regions in it’s constitution and putin can’t walk that back easily (he can, but he won’t, because it would ruin the remains of his strongman image), and Ukraine had an expirience of tolerating such thing with Minsky accords, them leading directly to '22 february attack.

    I guess at that point no one actively wants to participate in this war anymore, besides maybe some vets joining PMC at their own terms. Even in pro-state (kek) telegram channels, there’s too many uninspiring news, confusion and gore. There’s also a lot of news of conscription offices being even more agressive in dragging people from universities, workplaces, streets, even gay bars - yes we had plenty in Moscow and S. Petersburg in spite of our homophobic laws. They are desperate to take anyone, to raid any place. Not yet deadly desperate, but it’s sure out of their regular amount of effort.

    I don’t believe these people are ready to protest, even peacefully, but at the very least it occured to them they are better off dodging service than dying under Avdiivka. 2 years in, riiiight. Baby steps 👶 Wifes of servicemen just got declined from having a peaceful congregation about missing their men who ended up on limitless service ‘until the end of the war’ lol. Make it brew some more time and maybe it’d lead to something more radical. But yeah, many people know about that, and even if they were ignorant enough to sign in, they would now have doubts about joining that circus.

  • As a russian guy, I’m still unconclusive what’s the reason behind that. Unlike Palestinian-Israeli conflict, this one seems to happen over nothing. Just one aging man’s sick ambitions that brought suffering to many families. I feel shame whenever I contact my ukrainian friends. For that fucking state used my representation to bring so much useless, senseless morbidity onto neighboring nation. It’s 2023, why would we even want that? With all fucking problems we have as a humankind, why fighting Ukraine for 9+ years is even on the table? It doesn’t make any sense. It’s insanity. And I don’t feel like I can ever compensate for that before I die. The damage we caused is too much for one’s lifetime. It should’ve never happened.

  • In spite of your adamant conclusion, I would’ve liked this being tested. In a fashion of some Discovery Channel’s older programs. The battle royale of marketing practices.

    Having the design of this bag, the check out zone, the cart under control, one can dictate how it would work. You can even place it on the bottom and have it automatically scanned as it rolls through a checkout table. Or, if it stays in a cart (and you can adjust it to be 1:1 to cart size), a chip on the side can also be read by the scanner on a side of said table. So many variants.

    I don’t see how it’s more confusing than having all these loyalty cards. If it’s a general store like Walmart, Auchan you visit daily (or weekly) and buy most things here, it’s not really a problem. If they are freely interchangeable and have just one tier of price-cutting (like my cards in a local Lenta general store do), you don’t need bags for every person in your household, you can bring any one at hand.

    And it should be build at expense of the store and have a symbolic price, say $1, but being alike to IKEA ones - those I pick with myself everywhere by choice because I know they would carry 30kg of groceries if I’d need that. This investment into loyalty of returning customers and having brand being associated with zero waste wouldn’t be for nothing. If it’s not a metropolitan area, but a rural one, I think these bags would be, just like Xerox, a new coloquial naming to all good bags one encounter. They’d carry your ad everywhere, and everyone would know it’s from Your-Store. And having that thing at hand promising you better prices at Your-Store, you’d probably come here, not to Other-Store.