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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • At this point Taiwan has been independent for a good long time so it’s probably time to recognize that. This comes down to what the people in Taiwan want. I’m guessing they are good with the current situation as it keeps tensions down but sooner or later they are going to have to make a hard choice and the US needs to back them on it. Either they vote for reunification (unlikely but you never know) or they unequivocally identify as not-China and completely independent. In the second case the US and world should be prepared to back Taiwan. What will actually happen? Well, if I were Taiwan, I wouldn’t want to piss of a neighbor like that who is likely to go psycho when you officially breakup. It’s like ripping off a bandaid. I would be terrified of what China will do no matter who is baking me up. Taiwan will have to make a choice sooner or later but I completely understand their hesitation.

  • I did not take business classes so limited background but if we assume that the US isn’t going to magically transition away from capitalism, we instead have to find a way to legislate a transition to a more ethical capitalism. That phrase seems to be an oxymoron but for things to not keep getting progressively worse I’m thinking we as a society need to figure out a way to make it happen. Any ideas? You seem to have at least taken a course in the matter.

  • Yeah that was the post I was talking about. Their big claim was that the combination of an electric motor close to the hub and the in-hub gears is the key to it all. To your point though, I won’t purchase the first few years of cars that have that as I am sure there will be initial issues that they need to work out. I’m just excited that there are some new approaches being pushed. I got super excited 20 years ago for rotary engines from Mazda and that never took off the way I thought it would. I figured those would be the basis for electric hybrids so what do I know.

  • assembly@lemmy.worldtoGaming@lemmy.mlPlay Station
    7 months ago

    I have a pretty high end gaming computer with glass sides and they put stickers on it and draw on it. I think it’s fun. They also put stickers all over the inside of my Jeep which remind me of them. They draw on some walls too and sometimes with me alongside since it’s nothing a future coat of paint and primer can’t fix.

  • Same happened to me when I started adding squats into the mix last year. For me it’s a mixture of age and new workout. I noticed that after maybe age 38 DOMS in my legs hang around for longer than ever before. I committed to a single day a week for legs which included squats and deadlift. I picked Fridays since I do easy workouts on the weekends so I would have time to ease back. Took about 5 weeks for me to move past that phase. At week 3 I was dreading the Fridays workouts knowing what would come. After week 5, I haven’t had a problem since and now really look forward to my Friday exercises.