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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Here’s what would happen in capitalist America: entities would own those machines and use them as a means of personal enrichment, it’d displace a ton of human workers, the taxes generated from profits generated wouldn’t offset the economic impacts, and then half of the lawmakers would introduce bills that would provide lucrative incentives to those entities if they maintain a certain ratio of human workers and they’d staple a bunch of regressive crap onto it like abortion or whatever, it wouldn’t pass because the other half of lawmakers would want to tax the hell out of profits made with those machines, government would shut down 4 times a year, Jeff Bezos builds a vacation home on the moon

  • Quora did something similar to that. On mobile it’ll pester you to download the app, and on the app it’ll pester you to download an AI app, in an attempt to keep people bouncing around between those 2 apps.

    Quora seems to suffer from the same issue as Reddit. AI can take a single page view and distribute the information obtained from that single page view multiple times, basically cut out the source in terms of monetization, and those 2 sites benefit the most from people using Google to find something. I think Quora’s approach is a bit more sensible than Reddit’s, basically jumping on the AI bandwagon as opposed to cutting off both AI and people using Google

  • I think in Reddit’s case, mostly due to the garbage search function, they’re stuck deciding between shooting themselves in the foot right now by blocking Google, or allowing generative AI to shoot them in the foot later by allowing Google to scrape user content. There will soon come a day when less people use Google to find specific information on Reddit and more people ask an AI prompt and get the same information fed to them without having to click through to Reddit.

    I think the most ideal way to coexist with AI is for Reddit to pull out of search engines and make their own search engine work well, but until then they’re in a pickle

  • I’m not gonna google the whole ‘GDP’ franchise/entity for hopefully obvious reasons but the ‘GDP’ franchise very well could be a verified account that creates content through exploitation and that being a very real possibility punches a hole in the effectiveness of attempting to moderate content by only allowing content derived from verified accounts. The article notes that the actual people reviewing flagged content can’t handle the sheer amount of flagged content so it’s likely they can’t handle verifying that content created by verified accounts isn’t content created through exploitation, so it’s probable once an account is verified it can just start sliding in all sorts of stuff that will go unchecked (as it apparently did in this case and others).

  • Beef only refers to cow and pork only refers to pig, but poultry encompasses many species of fowl, and I think that the need for distinction is what led to people generally referring to poultry by the species. If you tell someone you’re having poultry for dinner the follow-up is usually ‘what kind?’, and if beef referred to the meat of any large domestic quadriped mammal and bison were more popular, we’d probably refer to it as ‘cow’, that kind of thing.

  • I got hooked on Pillars of Eternity (the original vanilla game), might be worth a look if you’re into top-down ‘Baldur’s Gate’ type RPGs. Big huge map, non-linear storyline, lots of things to find. Stats, items, classes, dialogue options that are often dependent on stats and choices affect the storyline. You can add NPCs/hirelings to your party - play through by unlocking and adding the regular NPCs and wind up with a conventional group (dude with shield, healer, damage dealers), or try to get through as a Rogue with a bunch of ranged damage dealer Cipher hirelings to snipe the hard targets. Play through choosing ‘evil’ dialogue options, or try to get through solo without adding anyone else to your party (there are achievements and one of them is to run through solo, some others are playing through without main character dying, or playing through with a lot of UI targetting helpers and tooltips disabled).

    My last playthrough I was running through to try to get the Triple Crown Solo achieve (solo/no dying/‘hard mode’ toggled) and had a second playthrough without ‘no dying’ toggled, so I’d crawl through the story a little on the ‘dying allowed’ file until I was confident I could advance a bit on the triple crown save, then jump to that file and advance the story. Ultimate time waster.

    I’ve played through it a half a dozen times easily, each time it plays out different and I wind up discovering a lot of things I must’ve missed in prior playthroughs. It’s the kind of game you can dive into until you’re kind of bored with it, then weeks/months later you’re looking through your Steam library, glance at it, think of maybe trying to get through as a Paladin, and next thing you know you’re hours into yet another playthrough.

  • If you’re planning on replacing that painted over lock the easiest way to go about is grab a 1/16" drill bit, put a key up to it, note the orientation of the ridged part of the key, that side has the pins. Stick drill straight in, drill through the pins. Take 3/32" drill bit, aim right where you were previously aiming, drill that out. Scrape what you can out of there with a seal pick, might pull out a few springs etc, but once the pins are drilled out you can turn it with a screwdriver. Key lines up the pins so it can turn freely, but without pins it’ll turn freely, that kind of thing