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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • It’s because typically women aren’t combatants (outside of organised military) so they’re typically unarmed innocents like children. It doesn’t preclude men from being the same, and I totally agree with your point too, but the ‘women and children’ figures typically hit home that large swathes of civilians are being killed in conflict. It’s a way of explaining to the reader that shit is fucked.

    Additionally, women are the key to the next generation. This is genocide.

  • Years ago when I was going through an extremely stressful period at work, when I wasn’t a rampant insomniac, I had the dumbest fucking dreams.

    They were about grocery shopping, house cleaning - all like you say, frustrating as hell when you wake up and find everything is still a pit - but the worst were the work dreams.

    I’d have entire stakeholder meetings, run workshops, present to the project board, have debriefs with my staff - and then have to relive the whole fucking thing the next day.

    I was basically working in both my awake and sleeping hours. A constant feeling of deja vu. Having to actually double check my calendar to see whether the big meeting had already happened or not. What a fucking horrible time that was.

  • Cisgender woman here, so my advice is only in relation to makeup. Lipstick is like the icing on a fancy cake. Some days or events you just want to be a cute cupcake rather than a 3-tier fondant covered cake.

    If I don’t fully make up my face but then add lipstick, it looks quite harsh and unflattering. Similarly if I made up my whole face but didn’t use lipstick or mascara - it would look odd. This may be what you saw in the mirror that day. So please don’t be disheartened.

    Start with light, day makeup. Little bit of mascara, a hint of blush and some tinted lip gloss. That’s one cute cupcake. Work your way up to that fancy cake!

  • I don’t have a degree. Started one back in the late '00s but didn’t complete it cos life got in the way.

    Successful career in related industry but occasionally I’ll go for a job only to see it has higher ed quals as mandatory. I think I’ll lie next time if there’s something I really want to go for and know I can do.

    I’m old enough that even if I had completed the course, it was all paperbased paperwork - no one’s tracking the truth down and no one really cares. Of all the recruitment I’ve done, I’ve never cared about anyone’s degrees. Hell, half the technologies and methodologies I work with didn’t even exist when I was at uni. So who gives a shit even if I did have the degree.

  • I’ve fed the wild ones snails as they seem to think they’re pretty awesome. Would that be an option for domestic? Or do you run the risk of giving them whatever diseases wild snails have that they may not have a built immunity to? I suppose the possibility a snail has been poisoned is a risk too…

    I think I’ve just answered my own question. Thanks for observing my stream of consciousness.