• 93 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • cheese_greater@lemmy.worldOPtoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    6 months ago

    I just prefer that if people don’t have anything to say (not answering the question) I have to wonder what the benefit of their input is provided what I ask isn’t illegal, hurting anyone physically or attacking them, or some other variable I’m not accounting for.

    Like I don’t want to have this convo, someone should start their own thread and that’ll be that. If they want to be on topic they’re welcome, but im not gonna reward people who nitpick about meta-level or non-topical matters.

    I thank you for the top-level but respectfulky I am moving on to other thoughts :) Question ≠ everyone must answer. Have something to say that’s relevant to what is asked, don’t be Sam Bankman-Fried and answer what objective truth subservient to subjective tastes wants to pivot to

  • cheese_greater@lemmy.worldOPtoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    6 months ago

    Its a legitimate line of inquiry and I definitely have my own thoughts but of course I’m hoping someone gives me other candidates or I guess they could answer yes or no and start a discussion, which I would good-faith happily engage with them on if they have an intersting perspective. I’m always ready to be wrong and reevaluate but I also think its a journey and everyone has their own ideological or ego-based baggage

    Why is it so provocative to ask a controversial question and just everyone engages in good-faith? Even my silliest sounding/seeming threads were in more or less good-faith and weren’t designed to “make” anyone angry…

    We have a bad habit of seeing things we donmt like on Lemmy and blaming the OP for baiting us, which is a little childish. Everybody’s individual input (whether they know the answer or not and it annoys them someone has the audacity to even ask) is not the same value or quality because we all have a different knowledgebase + experiences. I do take Umbrage to some of the suggestion(s) to the contrary.

    If people dont have an answer or wanna argue semantics or anything else not asked, they are free to start their own thread, I really wish they would. At a certain point, i have to start pointing the reverse-accusatory finger and ask why people even bothered if they didn’t want to answer the questions they have the knowledge to answer and the patiencw to control what they further expose themselves to.

    Edit: like I guess your top-level was fine and its therefore more appropos for us to have this detour but a lot of people won’t even give you that courtesy of actually attempting an answer) before they jump straight to the meta-stuff (why you wanna know, i don’t like your tone, i spilled gravy on my shirt and this post made that worse…, etc)