Creative burnt out gifted kid just trying to exist On Mastodon

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 28th, 2022


  • This 100%. I also don’t like being at a new job or in a situation with new people and I don’t know if I should come out or stay stealth, both as gay and as a gender. Like I shouldn’t have to edit my language to keep on the good side of a group of people I haven’t really gotten to know or really care about yet.

  • I would, in no certain order:

    • Work at a coffee shop part time making coffee for people. Preferably a locally owned shop, but it wouldn’t matter too much if not.
    • Work as a bartender similarly as above
    • Potentially garden if I have the time and interest for it
    • Create more YouTube videos
    • Write, record, and release more music
    • Learn to paint
    • Get a film camera and take photos with it
    • Contribute to FLOSS projects
    • Finally make that D&D table that doubles as a dining table that I’ve been wanting to make for a few months now
    • Actually follow through on learning my several languages I’m working on learning
    • Become an interpreter (probably in ASL)
    • Develop video games
    • Create more art in general
    • Do research on how art and society mingle together and interact

  •*Permanently deleted*
    10 months ago

    Personally I feel that asking a marginalized community to “be nice” to those oppressing them is complete hogwash; I believe it was Martin Luther King Jr. who said “riots are the voice of a rebellion.”

    That being said, I think that what Kolanki was trying to say is that a majority of the time, transphobes aren’t looking to have their mind changed when they log onto the internet to spread their bigotry; they’re looking for an outburst of violent reaction from the people they torment.

    Oftentimes they may be looking for this as evidence to support whatever claim they’re making about trans people (they’re violent, they have an agenda, they want to take people’s kids, etc). Coming from a background of abuse, I agree that we shouldn’t feed the bigots much like one shouldn’t feed trolls; they never leave once you start unless removed by force (i.e. banned from a community, in this case).

    I do agree that people don’t withdraw allyship because we’re not kind or nice or patient enough or what-have-you; that is something that I have not seen personally and anecdotally from other marginalized people (in fact, I’ve tended to see the opposite).

  • Initially it was Animal Crossing: Wild World. One of my parents’ coworker’s daughter was babysitting me before school when I was in 3rd grade and she had the game on her DS and I fell in love with it. Still have the copy I got to this day. However, I wouldn’t say I fully got into the hobby until The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess (Wii). TP especially got me to fall in line with video games as a storytelling medium artistically and narratively.

  • Effectively, console manufacturers should agree on some kind of standard architecture, which, to be very realistic and blunt (apologies as this isn’t necessarily the tone of the post, but I like trying to make things work in some way), as long as Nintendo is in the console game, it’s gonna be a bit difficult (unless we just let them do whatever they want console-wise and have the others create some kind of standard home console arch). As someone who is dipping their toes into game development, that is something I would love to see.

  • Pay off mine friends and my student loans, pay for moving costs to a European country for me and my friends, pay for US citizenship denouncing for me and my friends, set aside an amount of money for myself and my friends for savings to live comfortably, pay for first month’s rent for me and my friends, pay for food for a month for me and my friends, and then if there happens to be anything left, donate it to charities.