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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I’m sure it’d be fine, I’m probably not willing to put in the right amount of effort. I think a big fear for me is I use the computer for work, and while I have others, I prefer this one. I may not have the 15-30min to research and resolve something I did to myself.

    I also try not to be the person who asks for help on the same question for the 17th time.

    So far I’ve always been able to find answers in documentation or communities. Turns out I’m not so unique. ;).

  • Mint was my “gateway distro” to get away from windows as a daily driver. It still is my daily driver and it’s given me enough guardrails to not screw it up too badly and learn.

    I’m looking to go further up stream towards Debian. I’ve looked at arch and “arch that’s not allowed to be called arch because it has a gui installer”, but I’m not ready/able/“risk-tolerant-enough” to keep that stable as my daily driver. Fedora dormant seem quite right for me.

    I really like mint, it meets my needs, has treated me well.

  • This is the spirit is what I’m after. It’s likely usually going to seem lopsided if I’m paying to have one meal delivered, but If in having a meal for a small group or the family with some leftovers expected, it likely seems more reasonable. The people doing the work shouldn’t be getting screwed, the business should get to cover cost and make a small profit, and the customer gets to make choices without having to do fee gymnastics for every different place with a sprinkle of guilt that you’re responsible to decide what to pay the workers via tip.

    I expect food delivery to be kinda expensive, you’re usually saving me 30-45 min to go get it, wait for the order, and return.

  • Is it too much to ask that I might be able to just pay for this service? Sometimes I want or need food ordered. If it costs $20 to have it delivered, and pay the delivery person fairly, sometimes that’s worth the cost to me. I wish tips were an extra for “thanks for doing something above and beyond or awesome”. They shouldn’t need to be expected.

    $1.99 convenience fee $4.25 app fee $3.99 delivery fee Oh, and don’t forget to tip your driver because none of this goes to them.

    ^^^^ this cap needs to stop. Just give me the $15-$20 delivery fee and be done with it.

  • Welcome to the better side! Lots of good stuff in here. Pick what you want and go from there. I transitioned to mint and put windows in a VM (virtualbox) as my “crutch”. The on thing I haven’t see is use an app called timeshift. It’s a auto backup tool. It’s saved me a few times when I tried something that in hind sight wasn’t a good idea. It let me roll the machine back to a pre-screw up state.

    The other good part of this is that it let me try more things because I had a safety net.