West Asia - Communist - international politics - anti-imperialism - software development - Math, science, chemistry, history, sociology, and a lot more.

  • 52 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2021


  • I studied chemical engineering in university, but I realized it wasn’t what I hoped.

    What I hoped: sitting at a desk, drawing schematics, crunching numbers, designing chemical plants, coming up with smart ideas, etc.

    What it actually was: walking around a chemical plant or factory and managing plant operators (they knew way more than I did).

    It turns out programming is exactly what I hoped from chemical engineering. I love solving problems from the comfort of a desk.

    Math was always my favorite subject in school, and it seems programming is a type of applied maths.

  • Some package managers do have differences that justify a separate project (nix, gentoo’s portage, etc).

    For others, sometimes package managers are very similar feature-wise. But some developers would rather remake the thing because they would understand their code a lot better than someone else’s. Or because it would be far easier for them to customize rather than extend another project.

    Imo it is developer laziness. Being able to use other people’s work is a valuable skill. But then again, this is open source, and people are free to develop the software they want the way they want.