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I write code, that’s about all I’m rn

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Unpopular opinion.

    I’d like to have the choice not to “own” these kinds of things. I’ve felt this since I was young and I heard about the 3rd version of the iPhone. If these things get upgraded and get better every year and I’m “supposed to” upgrade every single time then it makes sense to just lease these things.

    And now with electric cars being basically on the same upgrade schedule but half the speed, why would I own an electric car for 8 years when next year the new electric cars save like 10x more for me. It wouldn’t make sense.

    Phones get an upgrade every year, and in 3 years your phone might become ‘invalid’ and you have to upgrade. So just borrow the phone from the maker and get an upgrade easier.

    Unless you actually want to own your things, go for it! It’s a free market and you should be able to buy your phone in its entirety just like you could buy a car 10 years ago in its entirety. This choice should be easier is all I’m saying.

  • Devil’s advocate:

    Have you guys ever considered that the information these companies are making off of you just isn’t that valuable? Your phone number, email, house address, skin color, sexuality, height, gender, fashion, job, and friends are not secrets. Anybody can know these things about you. We’re on the Internet and web-based companies want to interact with people, if you don’t like that go to a different website. But you’ll never have a privacy agnostic internet experience because PEOPLE KNOW THINGS ABOUT EACHOTHER. That’s one of the things about being people.

    I remember reading somewhere (years ago, too lazy to find a source) that Google might take in $30/year off of a single Google user. That’s absolutely pennies, that’s not worth anything. Google only works because of their scale, and I bet a tiny drop in user activity of like 10% would destroy them. Most tech companies are just trying to make up more things to base promises on for their investors, those companies have no real value, they’re all basically theoretical. So who cares? Just use them while you need it and if they fizzle out then all the data they had on us is worthless if not gone and the opensource community will step up like it always does.