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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • I tried The Finals a couple days ago and was not enthused about a few aspects of the game: characters are bullet sponges and also take way too many melees to kill, and it’s still early in its development so my friends and I encountered several game breaking bugs like clipping through the floor and my friend got stuck facing a certain direction and had to DC to fix it (he even tried switching controllers to confirm it was the game’s fault). Fortunately glitches can be fixed and my other gripes can get fixed with balance changes. Also it is super annoying that when switching weapons/tools you have to press a button to confirm the switch which feels quite clunky. Overall, the game shows some promise.

  • ditty@lemm.eetoAtheist Memes@lemmy.worldWhich one?
    7 months ago

    I’m from the Midwest and I took AP World History which included learning about: Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity (origins, Catholicism and the Reformation), Islam, Buddhism (& Zen Buddhism), and Taoism. Non-AP world history students would’ve also covered some of those too. And this was a public high school.

  • I work in IT and i’d wager that 95+% of MacOS users don’t know how to find their Library folder or how to view other hidden directories. Keychain Access is also an unnecessarily convoluted system to use as a desktop password manager. The System Settings layout is also not intuitive (not that System Preferences was much better). And although MacOS is a *nix system, there have been plenty of times where I’ve had to Google certain commands to fix things that are different than on Linux.

  • I know disposable vapes are very common in the marijuana industry as well; I’ve been to a handful of dispensaries where they were the only vape product for sale. And frankly in much of America where cannabis is still illegal, using a discreet, disposable vape pen is the safest way to get high (other than when your bootleg Chinese vape kills you 🤣).

    Not only that, but federal prohibition on cannabis makes it that much harder to bring alternative products to market, both from an R & D perspective and because marijuana companies can’t use traditional banking systems. It’s a whole industry built on cash. And right now the big money interests in the cannabis industry are largely tobacco companies who don’t have the greatest track record when it comes to making healthy and environmentally friendly products…

    There are plenty of reusable vapes on the market that I’ve used (MFLB, Pax, Volcano, Silver Surfer, etc) but I would definitely choose a concentrate vape pen over all of those options if given the choice. It’s just the superior method/form factor and it gets you higher faster. Plus it’s perfect for microdosing.

    I agree an outright ban on disposable vapes is a must, but we also need to make new, convenient, reusable liquid concentrate vapes with refills that are widely available, like those that already exist in the tobacco industry.

    This was a bit of a tangent from the main discussion. It’s crazy that disposable nicotine vapes are a thing.